You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1513: Little bitch

Song Mingjue couldn't tell what it was like at this time, as if after finally trying it for the last time, he no longer had any illusions, no longer had any expectations, it was a relief of giving up.

At the same time, there are some resentments, some bleakness, helplessness...

Man is a knife, I am a fish!

People's sword hangs high on their heads, whether it should fall or not, is their mood.

As fish, there is no room for them to struggle!

From the beginning, it might be wrong to come to Kyoto...

Song Mingjue thought of Mr. Wei and felt that this was wrong. Meeting Mr. Wei was the biggest gain in coming to Kyoto!

If he hadn't met Mr. Wei, he didn't know how at a loss he would be at this time, and he didn't know what to do in the future.

Nor will I learn so much. ,

Similarly, if he doesn’t come to Kyoto, he’s in Linzhou at the moment, maybe...he will not be able to get out of his identity as the young master of the Song family for a long, long time. He will help his father clean up the mess, and he will be taken by the Song family. Desperate from bankruptcy.

No matter if you come to Kyoto, even if your dignity and pride are trampled on, it's worthless, but he at least knows to live for himself.

It’s a good thing to know how to go in the future!


Gu Zhixin came to the place agreed with Zhen Bao'er. After waiting for a while, he saw Zhen Bao'er carrying things over. He hurried forward and took it from her: "Is it tired?"

"Tired, very tired..." Zhen Baoer nodded, not shopping, but dealing with Shui Xingyun.

Gu Zhixin quickly realized something was wrong, and he held Zhen Baoer's shoulders and lifted her chin: "Why are my eyes swollen and my voice a little dumb? What's wrong?"

Zhen Baoer originally wanted to keep Gu Zhixin from telling her about the bad news, but now she definitely couldn't help it. ,

She squashed her mouth and said: "I just ran into water and clouds."

Gu Zhixin said: "I just met Song Mingjue."

Zhen Baoer was taken aback for a moment, "I... these two people are acting separately, right?'s not did they know that we two came to the mall to buy things? How can we be so accurate?"

Gu Zhixin sneered: "Unexpectedly, I really underestimated him..."

Song Mingjue and Shui Xingyun are so accurate that someone must have revealed their description to them.

Their own people would certainly not, turning their elbows away, it could only be someone watching them secretly.

Gu Zhixin really didn't expect that this Song family was almost dead, and even his hand could reach their door. It seemed that behind Song Mingjue, it was not that he was incapable.

Zhen Baoer saw that Gu Zhixin's expression was not very good, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Zhixin asked her: "Have you bought your stuff?"

"bought it!"

"Go, go home first!"



Seeing Shui Xingyun, Song Mingjue knew at a glance at her expression that she had not succeeded.

However, he didn't have any hope for her.

Regarding Shui Xingyun, Song Mingjue is completely distrustful now, don't believe it, just toss it with you.

Song Mingjue would be surprised if Shui Xingyun was really done!

She is not a person who can get things done.

As soon as Shui Xingyun sat down, she gritted her teeth and cursed: "That little bitch, little prostitute, it's really hateful, don't give me a chance, if she falls into my hands in the future, let's see how I deal with her..."

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