You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1515: Geshanhai

Song Mingyue’s expression was very bad, "You thought you could still live Mrs. Song’s life, wake up, stop dreaming, ordinary people can eat a meal of tens of millions of dollars, but you are not. Born to be more delicate than others...It's not that you haven't had a hard time. How can you not endure the slightest bitterness after 20 years of being Mrs. Song?"

Shui Xingyun: "I...I..."

Song Mingjue said impatiently: "Today, I will tell you clearly that in the future, that kind of life will be your life. Don't be dissatisfied. If you are tossing about, you will see the tramp outside. Not as good as them. If you feel that life like this makes you better than death, what do you want to do, I won't stop you."

After that, Song Mingjue got up and left.

Leaving Shuixingyun in that dumbfounded.

Just now, her son actually said that if she asks to die, he...will not stop?

Shui Xingyun's body trembled more and more severely, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt fear. She should not lose her aura of Madame Song, she wanted to be a master...

Her husband is bankrupt, but she still has a rich son?

Even if she can't be Mrs. Song, she can still be the wife of the Gu family?

Just like Gu Jingyuan's mother-in-law, isn't she being served at Gu's house like Lafayette?

Yes, she still has a son, she still has a son...

She still had to go to Gu Zhixin. If he refused to give her money, she would just die in front of him, let everyone know that he was his biological son and forced her biological mother to death.

Shui Xingyun, after making up his mind, got up and left quickly!

Song Mingjue came out of the coffee shop and walked aimlessly in the mall. He didn't know what to do or where to go. At the moment, he wanted to be a lone sheep on the street, lost.

Walking from the 6th floor to the 1st floor, and from the 1st floor, Song Mingjue didn't know how long he had been walking until, when he saw a familiar smiling face, Song Mingjue suddenly woke up.

He opened his mouth: "Jin..."

Jin Yumeng smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Song."

Song Mingjue frowned, "You..."

He actually called him Mr. Song, she used to call him by name.

This is the first time Song Mingjue has seen Jin Yumeng since they were separated from the hotel last time.

Since then, Jin Yumeng deleted his WeChat and blocked his phone number. There was no intersection with him.

Just now, at the moment when he saw Jin Yumeng, Song Mingjue felt a sudden joy in his heart, not to mention it, but joy. This was the first time he felt real joy since the Song family's accident.

However, this joy was quickly dissipated.

Jin Yumeng smiled and called him Mr. Song, all of his words were alienated, even the smile on his face was polite and alienated. This is the same as the one who used to be in front of him, coquettishly begging for attention, and hollowing out information to win him joy. Jin Yumeng is like two people.

She is different from before, really different...

Song Mingjue's heart seemed to be pinched all of a sudden, and he felt a little uncomfortable. He would rather, when Jin Yumeng saw him, pretend not to know him, turned his head and did not leave, and was unwilling, like this, standing in front of him, but It seems to be separated from the mountains and seas.

There is a man next to Jin Yumeng who looks like he is in his 30s. He should be a successful person. He is of medium size and body. He is not particularly outstanding, but he is very stable and mature.

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