You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1516: Jealous

At first glance, it is the kind of man who will accompany women, live at home, and live in peace.

He looked down at Jin Yumeng and asked, "This one is?"

Jin Yumeng smiled and said, "This is a person I knew before, whose surname is Song."

Jin Yumeng's introduction is very simple, so simple that people can clearly draw from her, this is not the conclusion of a very important person.

It's as simple as that, except for a surname, you don't even deserve a name.

Song Mingjue felt a severe pain in his heart. A person I knew before, whose surname was Song...

This is all Jin Yumeng's introduction to him, not even friends, just people he knows.

How could she, once obsessed with him so much, but now, so indifferent?

Song Mingjue felt a kind of anger, as if he had been betrayed. That kind of anger made him unacceptable. It was even more unacceptable than being trampled on by Gu's dignity.

During this period of time, Song Mingjue actually had very little time to think about Jin Yumeng, and he still didn't care much about this woman.

He didn't feel any discomfort because of her leaving, but because of her leaving, he had a lot of his own time and was able to do more of his own things.

He thought that even if he saw Jin Yumeng again, he would be able to glimpse indifferently, completely indifferent.

However, when she was standing in front of her, when she introduced him in an understatement, Song Mingjue really felt the anger, discomfort, and bursts of sharp heartache.

This strange and strange emotion made Song Mingjue very uncomfortable. He clenched his hands subconsciously and wanted to control it. He told himself that he must never lose his temper in front of Jin Yumeng, but the look he looked at her was more More and more anger.

The man beside Jin Yumeng stretched out his hand and smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Song."

Song Mingjue didn't stretch out his hand, he looked at Jin Yumeng coldly, as if he was still the tall Song Mingjue when she was entangled in the past.

Jin Yumeng frowned slightly, and said, "Probably, he didn't have a close relationship with Mr. Song before, so he doesn't remember who I am anymore. Let's go first, Mr. Song says goodbye."

The man next to her realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between the two, but did not say much, and followed Jin Yumeng and said: "Mr. Song farewell..."

When the two were about to leave, Song Mingjue suddenly said: "Unexpectedly, your current taste is so bad that you can't find a man? So you just picked one from the roadside?"

The voice was cold, spiteful, and full of sarcasm. It seemed that he was using such vicious words to slander Jin Yumeng, and he would feel better in his heart.

It seems that only by watching Jin Yumeng's calm and calm smile disappear, can he be happy.

In fact, Song Mingjue didn't know why he was doing this. He couldn't understand him at the moment, and he knew it was not good to do it, but he didn't control it and didn't want to control it.

Jin Yumeng's movements stopped and slowly turned sideways to look at Song Mingjue.

She was a little surprised. She probably didn't expect that Song Mingjue would suddenly get into trouble like this, and would embarrass a woman who had really liked him in this way.

The man next to Jin Yumeng frowned, but he did not show any anger. The first reaction was to look at Jin Yumeng, then stretched out his hand and squeezed her hand, comforting her with his eyes.

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