You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1517: Too ugly

Jin Yumeng said: "I don't know why you said this suddenly, but... Song Mingjue, you are not like this in my memory, you... why do you want to be a bitter woman, so slander a woman who once liked you, Will it give you a sense of accomplishment? If so, I can only say that I was indeed blind at the beginning, and I actually liked a scumbag."

When Jin Yumeng uttered the word scum, he was full of disgust.

It seemed that I was disgusted with myself because I had liked such a man.

Jin Yumeng’s words made Song Mingjue even more angry. Why did she say that she was chasing him begging for nothing? She was like a fly that could not be driven away. She was always around him. As a result, She said that she turned around, and soon there was a man again. To put it bluntly, she didn't like him much at the beginning. After all, she is a profligate, naturally slutty woman.

Song Mingjue sneered: "Slander? Am I wrong? But it's normal. You are a woman who can't live without a man. I shouldn't have had any accidents when I found the next home so quickly..."

He turned his head and looked at the man next to Jin Yumeng sarcastically: "It's just that, this gentleman, be careful to be taken advantage of. Do you know who she is?"

When I said this, I felt sore, probably only Song Mingjue knew it.

He didn't understand why, when he saw Jin Yumeng again and saw that she had other men, he would be so angry, so angry, unlike himself.

He was so angry that he himself hated him now, but he couldn't control those vicious words, and he kept going out every sentence.

Jin Yumeng trembled all over, her eyes flushed, raised her hand to try to slap Song Mingjue, but was stopped by the man.

He grabbed Jin Yumeng's hand, squeezed it, and smiled at her, with pampering and comforting: "It's okay! Don't be angry, it's not worth it."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and said to Song Mingjue: "I know, Mengmeng and I have known each other for many years, and our two families are also family friends. I met her when she was just full moon, and for so many years, it's fine. Say, I watched her grow up, so, what kind of person she is, I think I know better than you, and I know her better than you, Mr. Song, right? You look like this, really. No gentleman, I think if you give you a mirror to show you who you are now, you will hate the way you are now, it's too ugly."

Song Mingyu was stunned by this man's words.

He did not expect that the man and Jin Yumeng in front of him were childhood sweethearts. At this moment, Song Mingjue suddenly felt like a clown.

He opened his teeth and claws with an ugly face, thinking that he could hurt Jin Yumeng, and that he could make this man despise her, but he did not expect that from beginning to end, people thought he was a joke.

Song Mingjue suddenly didn't dare to look at Jin Yumeng's eyes, he was guilty, he was guilty, he...annoyed...

Man, let go of Jin Yumeng's hand, put his arm around her shoulder, and said: "From what you just said, I can also hear that Mengmeng should have pursued you before. She chased you with integrity. At this point, who It is also said that you can't find her fault. Since you don't accept it, and since you have rejected this relationship, why bother, when you see you again, embarrass a woman like this?"

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