You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1518: like her

"Or you suddenly discovered that you actually like you because she no longer likes you anymore, so you are angry, and you feel betrayed?"

Although he looks ordinary, but in the end, it is a man who has been in the rich, has experienced the wind and waves, and has experienced what Song Mingjue is thinking at a glance.

It was pierced sharply, and Song Mingjue had the deepest secret in his heart, a secret he didn't even want to admit.

Yes, Song Mingjue likes Jin Yumeng. When did he like it, he doesn't know. Maybe it was in the process of being entangled by her, maybe in the hotel lobby, the moment she turned around, maybe...

In short, he fell in love with it, but he refused to admit it all the time, because Jin Yumeng was a woman he had always looked down on and hated.

Therefore, he refused to admit that he liked him, he deliberately ignored and deliberately didn't think about her, he thought that even if Jin Yumeng had left, it would not matter to him.

However, until I met again this time, until the man in front of him pierced the layer of paper in his heart, he had to admit that he really liked it.


She is already and will not look back, she is someone else's.

Song Mingjue's face instantly turned pale when he heard it. He shook his body twice and raised his voice. He said, "You nonsense, you like a woman like her? What's a joke, do I think my head is not green enough? I like her? "

It seems that only with such a loud voice can he be sure that he really does not like Jin Yumeng...

But is it useful?


Jin Yumeng was also very surprised. She was stunned, and she couldn't believe that Song Mingjue would like her? What's a joke, this man is like a stone that never gets hot, he hates her so much, how can he like her?

The man looked at Song Mingjue with some sympathy, and shook his head: "In this case, one is not two wide, each is happy, cute and cute, as Mr. wants, no longer pester you, and you are clean. I also hope that Mr. Song will be cute. For the sake of having liked you once, if you meet again in the future, don't embarrass her any more, don't embarrass her any more, it can be regarded as the meeting of the two of you."

Whether it was Jin Yumeng being humiliated or he was humiliated, this man was as stable as Mount Tai, there was no emotional turmoil, but he controlled the situation steadily.

No matter how vicious Song Mingjue spoke in front of him, no matter how loud he shouted, he was always in a weakened manner.

Song Mingjue's hand was clenched into a fist. He knew that he should follow the other party's words for his own face, but he was unwilling. Why would he return her clean?

Why, after she ran up to her and made some trouble, she turned and left, making him confused, and she went to pursue her own happiness instead?

The man said to Song Mingjue: "Mr. Song, as a man, I hope you can be more generous. Don't make people look down on it, making people laugh... You gave up on your own at the beginning, and you can't blame others."

After speaking, he no longer prepared to say anything to Song Mingjue, lowered his head and said softly to Jin Yumeng: "Let’s go, don’t go anymore, there will be no seats in that restaurant. They don’t accept reservations, it will be dinner soon Click, there will be a lot of people going there!"

Jin Yumeng had already recovered from her senses at this moment, and she nodded, "Okay, let's go!"


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