You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1520: Sad thing

The girlfriend standards set by Jin Yumeng and Song Mingjue are thousands of miles apart, without any similarities.

But, who would have thought, he finally liked it.

Love is really the most unreasonable thing in the world, even oneself can't control it.

Song Mingyue hated that man, why did he want to expose him, why let him understand his own heart, why...can't let him deceive himself and others like this forever.

It's better than being like this, incapable of doing, only a cavity of regret.

People passing by, hearing Song Mingjue's voice that seemed to be laughing and crying, they all looked at him, thinking that he was a lunatic.


In the end, it was the call from Mr. Wei that made Song Mingjue reluctantly pull back from the brink of collapse.

Song Mingjue's hand trembled a little, and he connected to Mr. Wei's call, "Brother Wei..."

His voice was frustrated, lost, hopeless, regretful, sad...

Mr. Wei heard that something was wrong and asked, "Did you encounter something?"

Song Mingjue found a remote corner, no matter whether the ground was dirty or not, he sat down directly, as if his strength was gone.

Song Mingyue said: "I don't know how to say it!"

Mr. Wei is a very patient mentor. He said: "Then speak slowly, is Gu Zhixin unsuccessful?"

Song Mingjue shook his head: "No..."

Mr. Wei is very wise, "If it's just because of Gu Zhixin's incident, you don't seem to be like this. Are there other things?"

Song Mingyu nodded: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you, yes, there are other things..."

Mr. Wei asked him: "Let's listen, you are not a person who is easily crushed. Isn't this unusual?"

Song Mingjue listened to Mr. Wei’s voice, and gradually calmed down: "Actually... if it is not a big deal to others, it’s just that, for me, it’s the first time, unprecedented, even I don’t. As expected, that's why it was hit so hard."

Mr. Wei did not speak, and waited for Song Mingjue to organize his thoughts before continuing.

Song Mingjue continued: "Brother Wei, you know Jin Yumeng, it was the woman who took me to you in the nightclub that day... I don't know if you have any impression of her, I have always hated her... Before, even if she said that she liked me, I felt it was very shameful. I despised the kind of women whose private life was disorderly. I hated those women who changed men and changed clothes. I once thought about this kind of woman. I really don’t want to take another look...I..."

Song Mingjue suddenly couldn't speak anymore, and covered his eyes.

Mr. Wei waited for a while and said, "But, you found out that you like her, haven't you?"

Song Mingjue’s voice was suppressed and hoarse: "Yes, it’s ridiculous, I think it’s impossible, but... But when I saw him with other men today, I would feel sad and my heart would hurt... before She said she would never pester me again. When she gave up on me, I was still fortunate, feeling that my life was finally calm. In the past so many days, I rarely think of her. Until today I met her again. I know, I have always lived in self-deception..."

"I don't know what to do now?"

Gu Zhixin was unable to strike Song Mingjue, but Jin Yumeng was knocked down by surprise.

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