You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1521: Harmful

At this moment, Song Mingjue felt that he could not hold it anymore.

Mr. Wei said indifferently: "You are still young. It is indeed sad to experience this kind of thing suddenly, but... young people, love is only a small part of life, and your experience will only become a small part of your life. Small experience, in another five years, no, in two years, if you look back at today, you will feel ridiculous for your gaffe."

"You still have a lot of important things to do. Your career hasn't started yet. You forgot, what you said, what you want to do, now, are you going to be decadent and lose fighting spirit for a woman? Song Mingjue , If you are such a person, then I can only say that I have misunderstood the person."

Song Mingjue squeezed the phone tightly and said: "I know, I will try to adjust, but... now, this period, I don't know how to get through."

Mr. Wei asked: "Where are you?"

Song Mingyue was stunned for a moment and reported the name of the mall.

"Okay, I know, I will arrange for someone to pick you up."

Song Mingjue: "What do you do?"

"You don't have to worry about it, you will know when you come."


Zhen Baoer and Gu Zhixin had just arrived home, and they happened to ran into Xu Mu. Xu Mu came back yesterday, but due to work reasons, they were delayed until today.

Xu Mu saw Gu Zhixin carrying large and small bags, "Are you going shopping?"

Zhen Baoer whispered: "Yes, Uncle Xu, I went to buy the wedding gifts for Shanshan and the others, don't tell them, I'm going to give them the night of their bridal chamber."

Xu Mu nodded: "Okay, I won't say."

Gu Zhixin hurriedly stopped Xu Mu: "Old Xu, Lao Xu, help me take something, it's too much..."

Xu Mu took a few bags from Gu Zhixin.

"That's too much, haven't you seen it before, did your brother buy something for your sister-in-law?"

Gu Zhixin quickly whispered: "Don't, I beg you, don't say my brother and my sister-in-law... I managed to coax Boer."

Xu Mu asked: "What's wrong, quarreling?"

Gu Zhixin sighed: "You don't know, my brother... Hey, irritating, I don't want to say him, fortunately you were not at home at the time, otherwise, you would irritate him as I did..."

Xu Mu was curious: "Tell me?"

Gu Zhixin saw that Zhen Baoer had already gone in, and then said to Xu Mu: "You don’t know, what wicked thing my brother did to please my sister-in-law that night, he moved all the shopping malls home and let my sister-in-law be here. Shopping at home, Bo'er, they all said, wow, it's so romantic. Then, when they look at me, they didn't do anything? They moved the mall back, and the number of times to go shopping with Bo'er is limited. Compared with my brother, I I'm so weak, and after being stepped on the ground, Bo'er thinks that I am not romantic enough and will not spoil his wife... If you were at home at that time, you would be like me."

There was a cold behind Xu Mu: "You are right. Fortunately I am not here."

Otherwise, like Gu Zhixin, he is weak in comparison with Gu Jingyuan.

He had no face to face Zhou Ping.

Gu Zhixin sighed, "Hey, my brother, he is a bad guy, he hurts me a lot..."

Xu Mu hurriedly said: "You don't want to die, you must not let your brother hear this."


Let’s change the 30 chapters first. Don’t hide the monthly ticket. Take out the duck. There are still about 10 chapters during the day. I have to hurry to save the manuscript. The claws are not my own...

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