You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1567:

Passerby fans and other idol fans came to watch and said: Suddenly envy Qin Zheng and his fans, how can you fatten?

Qin Se was shocked by what Xiang Qiuchi said today.

She was a little worried about her children. She told Gu Jingyuan, "I may not be good at teaching children in the future."

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "It's okay to have me."

"I might take the kids crazy in the future."

"It's okay, with me, I will make you crazy."

"Then what if I dote on my child in the future?"

Gu Jingyuan said: "It doesn't matter if you have me, if you dote, I will be strict with them."

Qin Se felt a little embarrassed: "But you still have to work and go to work. I don't do anything and leave it to you. Isn't it not good, you will cry?"

Gu Jingyuan touched his face: "I'm not tired, you are my babies just like the children, of course I have to protect you."

Qin Se was so moved, he squeezed into Gu Jingyuan's arms: "Then I will be a baby at ease?"

Gu Jingyuan: "Well, peace of mind... my baby!"


Tonight, Song Mingjue was taken to the hot spring manor by Mr. Wei.

The two were soaked in warmth. Mr. Wei asked him, "What would you like to taste today?"

Song Mingjue held a glass of sake and smiled and said, "I really can't think of it at this time. If you let them all come out, I'll take a look."

After experiencing the last time, Song Mingjue seemed to be familiar with this kind of thing at this time, and the greenness of the words was gone.

At this moment, he laughed, his lips were a little wilted, it seemed that he was a **** who had been in Fengyuechang for a long time.

Song Mingjue used to be the most annoying kind of **** like this, but now he has finally turned himself into the kind of person he hates most.

Mr. Wei laughed: "Yes, your kid has a big appetite now..."

He let in the women who had been prepared outside, they were all barefoot and lined up in a row by the pool.

Boldly looked at Song Mingjue directly, winking.

Song Mingjue didn't like this. He scanned them one by one, pointing to the petite and purest looking one, and said, "It's you."

Mr. Wei smiled and said, "You have a good vision today. The one you are fond of is the most popular here..."

Song Mingjue immediately felt responsive in her heart. Although each of these girls looks very good on the surface, in fact, they have already experienced a lot of battles, "Do you like Mr. Wei? If you like me, I dare not tell you Robber."

Song Mingjue was very curious whether this club was owned by Mr. Wei.

He always feels that, if it is, then Mr. Wei is the strength in Kyoto, really extraordinary.

The anti-pornography is still very strict now. In the boundary of Kyoto, such a venue has brought so many high-end ladies. If there are no people covering them, they can be opened. Moreover, this hot spring outfit is really a gold cave. , Such a big Zhuangzi, this can not be built in a short while.

At the beginning, Jin Yumeng told Song Mingjue that it was not long before Mr. Wei became famous in the financial circle of Kyoto.

It won’t take long to have such a power?

Song Mingjue didn't believe it!

Mr. Wei raised his hand, and the people behind him handed him a cigar.


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