You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1568:

He smiled and said, "It's just a woman. If I like it, I would praise her too much."

The petite girl trembled and lowered her head.

Song Mingjue followed his words and said, "Since this is the case, I would like to thank Big Brother Wei."

Mr. Wei took a sip of his cigar and spit out a cloud of smoke, "Gu Jingyuan and his fiancee will have a wedding next week, do you know?"

Song Mingjue nodded: "I have heard of it."

Mr. Wei asked him: "Do you want to participate? If you want to go, I can help you one or two."

Song Mingjue shook his head: "I won't go anymore. If I go, it will only make people more annoying. Besides, I have given up. Instead of asking them to take care of the family, I might as well work hard by myself. Song family tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, maybe tonight. The one can save it."

Song Mingjue always felt that Mr. Wei seemed to want him to entangle with the Gu family.

If Song Mingjue still thought that Mr. Wei was a warmhearted person before, then Song Mingjue felt that he was too naive before.

Mr. Wei now gives Qin Zheng a different feeling from before.

Now Mr. Wei, how can I say it, is like a person, there was a bit of disguise before, but now, he has begun to gradually remove the disguise.

Mr. Wei glanced at Song Mingjue: "You understand what you want."

Song Mingjue laughed at herself: "I can't help it if I don't understand it."

"Don't you regret it?"

Song Mingjue nodded: "Unfortunately, it's such a big family business after all, but... I don't tell you, I still have some expectations in my heart, and I feel a little cheerful. I think that the Song family simply fell down like this... Do you think that I am a little weird?"

Song Mingjue hates that home very much now, so she feels like it should collapse like this, let it be destroyed like this.

The lining of the Song family is already rotten, even if it is barely maintained, it will not last long.

It has already begun to emit a rotting stench, and even if it is saved at this time, it will not save the entire life.

It's better to just be destroyed like this. Sometimes, only complete destruction can start again.

Mr. Wei smiled: "It is a bit strange, but I admire you, you are a man of courage..."

Song Mingyu took a sip of sake. He had a thought in his heart. He said, "Actually, I envy the people of Gu's family. You may not have seen their family members. The last time I went to their house, although they didn't come in, they were very united. They are together, let me see what is the real family, not the appearance, not like our family, it makes me feel disgusted... I think if it is Gu's family, it will be very happy."

Mr. Wei sneered: "Huh..."

Song Mingjue asked: "What's wrong with you?"

The corner of his eye just now looked at Mr. Wei.

When he said that, Mr. Wei's face flashed with deep disdain and coldness.

Does Mr. Wei have an enmity with the Gu family?

If this is the case, isn't he the **** in Mr. Wei's hand?

Song Mingjue squeezed the wine glass tightly.

He also lowered his head and became more and more certain in his heart that he should stop looking for trouble in front of his family. Fortunately, he gave up. Fortunately, Mr. Wei did not insist on letting him go to Gu Zhixin.

It seems that he has to give up more thoroughly, to make Mr. Wei die.

He doesn't want to be the **** of the two forces.


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