You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1569:

After soaking for a while, Mr. Wei answered a phone call, and he seemed to be in a bad mood, and said to Song Mingjue that he had something to do and left first.

Before leaving, Mr. Wei also told him to have fun here and leave early tomorrow morning.

With a smile on Song Mingjue's face, he said that he must leave tomorrow morning. He hasn't entered the tender country tonight, how can he leave?

Song Mingjue's answer is what Mr. Wei wants to hear.

After he left, only Song Mingjue and the petite girl were left here.

Song Mingjue asked her: "What's your name?"

The girl whispered back: "Xia Zhi..."

Song Mingjue stretched out her hand and pulled her into the pool, and squeezed her chin, "Good name... Have you talked to Mr. Wei before?"

Xia Zhi blushed as if she could drip blood. She bit her lip and said: "Mr. Wei... has... let me serve several times..."

She also seems to be shy easily, like a little girl without personnel.

However, Song Mingjue knew what she did. She never looked so youthful on the surface. Song Mingjue didn't have any desire in her heart. He let go, "That's OK, just serve me as you used to serve Mr. Wei."

Xia Zhi nodded and said softly: "Yes!"

The girls here are very obedient and can greatly satisfy a man's vanity.

Even Song Mingjue is no exception.

Xia Zhi really made him feel satisfied, it was physical satisfaction, not spiritual.

Song Mingjue looked at Xia Zhi, who was panting on the sidelines, and said lightly: "Your method of serving people is indeed quite powerful. It seems... It's not unreasonable that Mr. Wei likes you."

Xia Zhi raised his hand to wipe off the marks on the corners of her lips, her voice hoarse, and said: "Mr. Wei... doesn't like me, he doesn't like anyone, I'm just an object."

Her eyes were very hollow, like a porcelain doll without a soul, obedient, weak and beautiful, but... her eyes were dull.

Ask her, and she will answer honestly.

Let her serve, and she will really serve, as if she has no dignity, trampled by casual people, and does not know what resistance is!

Song Mingjue looked at her like that, looked at her, and suddenly felt that she was very disgusting, very despicable...

He doesn't believe that this kind of life is what this girl is willing to live. No one in her body knows what has gone through, which makes her so numb.

Song Mingjue said: "I'm sorry."

Xia Zhi raised his head, a little dazed, still hollow in those big eyes.

Probably, she didn't know why Song Mingjue suddenly apologized!

Song Mingjue raised her hand, stroked her face, and said, "I'm sorry!"

Xia Zhi looked slightly outside and asked, "What's wrong with you...?"

Song Mingjue stretched out her hand to hug her, did not speak, and then slowly became clear about her, he was very gentle.

This kind of tenderness is very strange to Xia Zhi. The strangeness made her tight and dared not move. She didn't know what Song Mingjue would do next.

However, next, Song Mingjue just cleaned her body, wiped her up with a quick bath towel, and hugged her to the room.

Then... there is no more.

Song Mingyue said: "Go to sleep."

Xia Zhi: "You... don't..."

Song Mingjue: "I'm a little tired, let's rest."

Xia Zhi was stunned for a while, then nodded and closed his eyes.

She lay motionless on the bed, with her hands folded on her abdomen.

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