You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1583:

Everyone got up and prepared to leave, but the light in the private room suddenly went out as soon as they got up.

Gu Jingyuan's first reaction was to hug his wife before talking.

Xiang Qiuchi said: "What's the matter, why the light is off, I'll go find their waiter..."

Before he took out his mobile phone, the door of the room was pushed open, and a faint candlelight slowly came in. Then, he heard...

"Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you..."

The singing voices around me were not very neat, especially the voices of the two dead children of Qin Zheng and Chen Mo, which were a bit inharmonious with everyone.

However, Xiang Qiuchi's eyes suddenly and slowly became hot.

The KTV waiter pushed the cake in front of Xiang Qiuchi: "Mr. Gu Zhige, I wish you a happy birthday, this is your family, I ordered the cake for you in advance!"

Xiang Qiuchi's throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he said, "Thank you..."

He originally thought it would be a good birthday blessing to go shopping together, then buy him gifts, and have fun together at night and have a meal.

Unexpectedly, they did this while carrying him.

Xiang Qiuchi can’t remember how long he hasn’t celebrated his birthday. He only remembers the year of his 20th birthday. He killed a person. It happened that someone had a birthday in that person’s house. Then, he remembered that birthday. The candles on the cake were blown.

At that time, he thought, it was his birthday.

At that time, Xiang Qiuchi had never thought that one day someone would think of his birthday.

Will buy him gifts and order cakes.

After singing the birthday song, Qin Zheng urged Xiang Qiuchi: "Hurry up and blow the candles. We are all waiting to eat the cake."

Xiang Qiuchi turned his head and glanced at Qin Zheng, with a smile on his face, that kid's calculations were still not clear to him.

Bend down towards Qiuchi and blew the candle.

Qin Zheng has quietly come behind him, trying to press his face on the cake.

However, before Qin Zheng took the shot, he finished blowing the candles to Qiuchi, and put his face on the cake. His face was stained with cream, and he stood up and said, "You don't need to do it, I will do it myself."

Qin Zheng curled his lips: "You are too careless..."

Qin Zheng didn't finish speaking, his face was cold, and then his face was creamy.

Xiang Qiuchi was still holding the cream in his palm, pointing at Qin Zheng and laughing.

Qin Zheng: "How can you be like this, you are bullying a child... Chen Mo, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up, beat him..."

The two chased Qiu Chi, and the room became a mess for a while, and Zhou Ping looked at them with a smile.

Qin Se shook his head: "I knew it was like this."

She said to the waiter, "Thank you for bringing another cake I ordered."

The waiter nodded: "Good lady."

When the second cake was served, Zhou Ping told them to stop making trouble. This time it was the real cake cutting, and the family divided them together.

After eating the cake and paying the bill, everyone returned home with unsatisfactory thoughts!

After returning home, the first thing Xiang Qiuchi did was take a bath. Qin Zheng and Chen Mo's two dead children wiped all the cakes on him, both in his neck.

After the shower, blow his hair to Qiuchi standing in front of the bathroom mirror.

With his hair dry, he raised his head, looked at himself in the mirror, and suddenly smiled.

He now, although he has the same face as before, he prefers the way he is now.

He has flesh and blood, feelings, warmth, and is a real person.

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