You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1584: You wish

He likes to be Gu Zhige, likes this name, likes this family, likes everything that people in this family give him.

He thought, in the future, he will only be Gu Zhige.

Goodbye to the former Xiang Qiuchi!


In a blink of an eye, everyone went to bed early on the night before the wedding, and tomorrow is the wedding, and everyone must get up early.

When everyone was asleep, Zhou Ping sent a WeChat message to Xu Mu and asked him to come out. She had something to say to him.

Xu Mu was already almost asleep, and when he saw the WeChat sent by Zhou Ping, he started to do it.

Get up quickly and go downstairs.

Zhou Ping was already downstairs, holding a cup of hot water, drinking slowly.

Xu Mu walked up to her and asked, "Who won't be here?"

Zhou Ping smiled and said, "Tomorrow, Shanshan will get married. I am really happy in my heart, and there is really something wrong with me."

This time, Zhou Ping was very happy in Qin Se's marriage.

Gu Jingyuan is a very good husband. He is dedicated to Qin Se and can take good care of her. Even if Zhou Ping does go one day, she can go with peace of mind.

Xu Mu smiled and said, "Yes, I am happy too..."

Zhou Ping poured Xu Mu a cup of hot water: "Drink some water."

"Okay..." Xu Mu wanted to ask Zhou Ping what was wrong with asking him to come out, but seeing her calm face, she didn't want to spoil the current atmosphere, and wanted to be alone with her in such a quiet moment.

Xu Mu found a topic and said, "I just saw it, the rain outside seems to be a little lighter, maybe the rain will stop tomorrow..."

Zhou Ping nodded, "In fact, it doesn't matter if the rain stops."

Xu Mu asked: "Then, is there something bothering you?"

Zhou Ping shook her head: "Also, it's nothing to worry about, I...I just want to tell you something, and I want to ask your opinion..."

Zhou Ping thought about this for a long time, and only made a decision after eating.

Xu Mu said directly: "Whatever matter, you can make a decision. You don't need to ask for my opinion."

Zhou Ping shook her head: "No, it's up to you to make a decision."

Xu Mu said: "Then you say..."

Zhou Ping's fingers gently fumbled the rim of the cup, and she said: "Shanshan is going to get married tomorrow. There is a red carpet at the wedding. He needs his father to hold her hand across the red carpet. However, Shanshan's father died early. Shen Rui didn’t give her a complete one for her first marriage, not having a bad time, wedding or something, this time I don’t want her wedding to be missing anything..."

Before Zhou Ping finished speaking, Xu Mu's hands were shaking with excitement, and the hot water in the cup spilled on the back of his hands, and he didn't feel it.

Xu Mu had basically understood what Zhou Ping's words meant at this moment. Before Zhou Ping had finished speaking, he said: "I...I...I come...I can..."

He is very okay, especially okay, the kind that can't be desired.

The smile on Zhou Ping’s face deepened. She is not young anymore. No matter how good cosmetics are used for maintenance, there are still crow's feet in the corners of her eyes and statutory lines on her face. But when she smiles, it is so warm. Her wrinkles are not traces drawn by the years, but another kind of beauty that the years have given her, which is reassuring and convincing.

Zhou Ping looked at Xu Mu and said seriously: "I hope that at the wedding tomorrow, you can walk across the red carpet with Shanshan's hand and give her to Jingyuan, okay?"


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