You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1599: be happy

When he called Xu Mu, he hesitated, but it was still Uncle Xu, stepfather, uncle, it was more appropriate.

If you want to change your tune, then wait until Zhou Ping and Xu Mu have obtained the marriage certificate.

On this day, Gu Jingyuan hopes to be able to do it and show equal respect to Qin Se's biological father and Xu Mu.

Last night, after dinner, Zhou Ping took them to Qin Chong's front row.

Qin Se knelt down and gave her father three incense sticks, and said about the marriage today.

Last night, Zhou Ping asked them to leave first, and then she stayed in front of Qin Chong's tablet for a long time.

Probably, at that time, she made up her mind to accept Xu Mu.

In fact, when Xu Mu was accepted, Gu Jingyuan was also happy to see it succeeded. Qin Se liked this stepfather, and Xu Muren was also really good.

Therefore, he has no opinion.

Qin Se stood beside Gu Jingyuan and bowed to Zhou Ping and Xu Mu.

Like Gu Jingyuan, she called Uncle Xu instead of Dad.

Although he admitted the identity of Xu Mu's stepfather, but on this occasion today, father and stepfather still have to separate.

She thought that Xu Mu should also understand, and would not care about their names.

Xu Mu naturally understood it, and he felt that this was the right way.

Can't forget Qin Se's biological father.

After drinking tea, Zhou Ping said: "After you get married, stop being self-willed and be a mother. If this is a daughter in your stomach, remember, don't raise her like you, okay? "

Qin Se blushed: "I know Mom, I won't, I'll... just raise her like you, let her be wise, smart, strong and brave..."

Zhou Ping smiled and said, "I don't want it anymore. It may not be good for me to be like this."

Too strong and brave is not a good thing sometimes.

Gu Jingyuan said earnestly: "Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of Shanshan in the future, and I will also take care of you."

Then the family took another photo of the whole family, and then Qin Zheng carried Qin Se on his back again.

As he crossed the gate, Qin Se lay on Qin Zheng’s back and said: "When you were a kid, you were so skinny. I didn’t expect that in a blink of an eye, you are big and can carry me on my back. I always feel that you are still very small. Looks like!"

Qin Zheng said, "If I have always been so young, how would you marry someone? I will always grow up."

Qin Se smiled and said: "Yes, our Xiaozheng has really grown up."

Qin Zheng said seriously: "I will work hard and be a very powerful actor. I will be better than Lao Xu. One day, I will be your backstage. If Gu Jingyuan dares to treat you badly, I will help you clean up. he……"

Hearing his words, Qin Se's eyes were a little moist, she hugged Qin Zheng's neck and whispered, "Okay, sister is waiting for you!"

Qin Zheng walked very steadily and carefully at every step. I don't know how many times he walked the road from upstairs to the gate at home, but... this time, he walked very carefully.

Finally, when he came to the float, Qin Zheng sent Qin Se onto the float.

At the moment the door was closed, Qin Zheng remembered the picture of the two of them leaving school together when they were young.

When I was young, on rainy days, you carried me through the streets with water.

When you grow up, I will send you to marry!

Sister, happy wedding.

Always be happy!


Oops, my eyes are sore suddenly, my Xiaozheng Didi, this moment is really growing up!

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