You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1600: In the wedding

Qin Zheng watched the welcoming float set off, further and further away.

At that moment, Qin Zheng suddenly understood that even the closest person around you will slowly leave you.

But think about it, even if he gets married in the future, his sister will still live with him and his mother. All of Qin Zheng's complaints against Gu Jingyuan suddenly disappeared.

These days, there is no brother-in-law who is willing to support his wife's family after marrying his wife.

Thinking about this, Qin Zheng was originally faintly lost and disappeared.

Inside the house, Zhou Ping was a little confused. As soon as her daughter left, she felt empty in her heart. She knew that she would meet soon and she knew she would still live together after the meeting, but the feeling at this moment was still different.

Qin Zheng shouted: "Mom, let's go, let's go to the hotel."

Qin Zheng's voice awakened Zhou Ping from that sad mood. She returned to God and said, "Okay, let's go there."

Gu Jingyuan had arranged the car, Zhou Ping and the others hurriedly got in the car and followed the convoy and headed straight to the hotel.

At this time, the guests in the hotel were already there. Gu Jingyuan didn't invite too many people, but those who could be there were either relatives or friends, or people with close business cooperation.

Old Mrs. Gu, Gu Huaizhang, Lin Yuexian, the relatives of the Gu family, and Lin Yuexian's family, have all arrived at this time.

After seeing Gu Huaizhang, Lin Yuexian didn't do the same as before, and then stepped forward to make a fuss, wanting to remarry with him, and how to change his past.

Gu Huaizhang saw Lin Yuexian at first, but he was still very upset, but after a while, he saw her with a smile on her face and no gloom between her eyebrows. It was normal to talk to him, as if she were a friend. This made Gu Huaizhang give away. He was scared, worried that this was not Lin Yuexian's new trick again.

But fortunately, after observing for a while, Gu Huaizhang found that Lin Yuexian really didn't seem to have any intentions of remarrying him.

Only then did Gu Huaizhang gradually let go of his burden.

He hoped that Lin Yuexian would just think clearly, don't entangle her anymore, he really didn't want to live with her anymore.

He felt that he was guarding the kiln and burning porcelain. This day, he was already very beautiful. He didn't need a woman in his life.

When Lin Yuexian saw Gu Huaizhang again, she realized that she was really different from before. Seeing him, she didn't have any thoughts of remarrying. She also felt ridiculous for her previous behavior.

Letting go of this fairy-like good day now, but why do you still want to go for it?

So when I talked to Gu Huaizhang again, Lin Yuexian's feelings also changed. Both of them were embarrassed at first. After talking for a while, they were okay, just like those couples who were still friends after divorce.

Lin Yuexian and Gu Huaizhang apologized earnestly, and the other party accepted them, and they did not exclude each other. After conflicting each other, they felt, hey, doing this with ordinary friends is okay, but it's much easier than being a couple.

The grievances between Lin Yuexian and Gu Huaizhang are understood, but the old lady Gu is really unable to talk and laugh with people, her mind is all about Gu Meiyun.

After today's wedding, she will go to Gu Meiyun.

Ji Chenxuan said on the phone that Gu Meiyun has been in very bad condition over the past two days. Her lungs have been infected and she can't breathe independently from the ventilator. She can stop breathing at any time, and she has reached the end of her life.


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