You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1601: too complicated

Old Mrs. Gu hated Gu Jingyuan in her heart, she really couldn't wait to make this beautifully arranged wedding scene like a princess castle, and it was broken.

However, Mrs. Gu knew that if it was smashed, she would never see Gu Meiyun again, and Gu Jingyuan would let her not even find Gu Meiyun's grave.

Gu Jingyuan is very hard-hearted, very cold.

Old Mrs. Gu looked at this crowd of friends, and looked at this group of joy, she was very sad and angry.

To talk about debts, it is because she owes Gu Jingyuan, why he is so cruel to her daughter.

Gu Huaizhang turned to look at the old lady. He was a little worried. The old lady looked like a dead relative. If he let his son see it, it would be bad, and it would be bad luck!

The wedding has not officially started, but the master of ceremonies has said that when the bride arrives, the wedding will begin soon.

If the old lady is like this again, it won't work. On this happy day, should you just smile?

Gu Huaizhang hesitated, and whispered to the old lady Gu's ear: "Mom, this is the scene of Jingyuan's wedding. The wedding is about to begin. You...can't do this anymore."

When I heard Gu Huaizhang’s voice, Mrs. Gu’s heart was even more angry. He still had the face to say, how could he even say that if it weren’t for his father’s inability to control her son, why would she have suffered this way? Grievance and humiliation?

What's more, his sister's life is dying, and he still has the heart to laugh. How can he have a smile? Does he still have a conscience?

Old lady Gu said angrily: "You still have the face to say, do you know, what's your sister's situation now?"

Old Mrs. Gu’s voice was a bit loud, but fortunately, when she was talking, the orchestra suddenly began to play music, which faintly sounded, indicating that the wedding would begin soon, and the sound of the music also suppressed Mrs. Gu’s voice. Let those around you not hear it.

However, the nearest Gu Huaizhang and Lin Yuexian heard her, and their expressions changed instantly.

Both of them know that the three of them are decorations. They don’t understand. That’s why on this occasion, you must not have a moth. You want to laugh, you want to be happy, and you want everyone to think that you are parents. The elders are very satisfied with this marriage, and must not make the son upset, and must not make trouble at his wedding.

As a decoration, you dare to shake your face, dare to make noise, dare to cry in mourning at the wedding, what do you think?

Gu Huaizhang was originally kind to remind his old lady, but the old lady didn't appreciate her, she even scolded him, he was wronged!

Gu Huaizhang lowered his voice and said, "Mom, the wedding is about to begin. If you are willing to let Jing Yuan see what you are now, you can make trouble, and you just want to smash it, then I won't stop you, anyway. Yuan turned around to find someone to settle the account. It wasn't me, but...Mom, you have to know one thing in your heart. Since you have agreed to Jingyuan to come here, I don't need to remind you what to do."

At this point, he reminded him everything he should remind. Next, whether his old lady wants to make trouble, or be rational, accept the reality, cooperate, and wait until the wedding is over, that is all her business.

Gu Huaizhang is very tired at the moment, and wants to go back to his nest as soon as the outside world is too complicated. It is better to go back to play in the mud.

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