You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1652: Live long

That's right, isn't it just self-sufficient?

Shui Xingyun wants to let others donate a kidney to her daughter free of charge. She is a mother but she is reluctant to use a knife on her body. For this purpose, she can even do shameless things like drug addiction. , Now the ending is high-powered, and all she wants is on her own body.

Song Mingjue heard that, there was really no way he could feel sympathy for him.

He even had an urge to laugh.

When Song Mingjue admired Gu Zhixin, he was able to think of this method. It was amazing. It was really amazing. The reputation of the second master of the Gu family was not for nothing.

However, Song Mingjue was a little puzzled, would it be useful to just ask his mother to sign a resource donation agreement?

Song Mingjue didn't believe that his mother would be so honest. After he really went back, he went to the hospital automatically, and then lay on the operating table obediently, waiting for the doctor to remove a kidney from her.

Shui Xingyun finished speaking so angrily, waiting for Song Mingjue to respond to her. As a result, he didn't say a word. How could he not speak? Gu Zhixin had done such a desolate thing, he didn't comment, shouldn't he? Do you have the same hatred with yourself?

Shui Xingyun asked: "Why don't you speak?"

Song Mingjue: "What did I say? Or, what do you want me to say?"

Help her scold Gu Zhixin together?

Sorry, he can't do it, but he really wants to praise Gu Zhixin. This is a wonderful thing!

But, I don’t know, he doesn’t care about it!

Shui Xingyun said: "Don't you should..."

Song Mingjue interrupted her: "Do you want me to avenge you?"

Shui Xingyun thinks this is not taken for granted? "Your mother was so abused and almost killed. Don't you even say a word?"

Shui Xingyun herself did not dare to take revenge, so she wanted Song Mingjue to go.

Anyway, she didn't rush forward, but she couldn't swallow the discounted anger, so she wanted to agitate Song Mingjue.


Song Mingjue is smarter than her, he will not enter this pit.

Song Mingjue laughed and thought it was ridiculous, "Vengeance? Don't think about it, don't count on me, I don't have that ability, Mom, who do you think I am? Am I crazy? Go to Gu Zhixin for revenge. I don’t want him to bury me alive. If you didn’t go to find death on your own, he would take the initiative to take care of you? You also prescribed medicine. You really think you have lived too long!"

Dare to give Gu Zhi a new medicine?

Thinking about Song Mingjue, it’s a miracle that his mother can survive!

Gu Zhixin, this heart is really kind!

Shui Xingyun's breathing is difficult: "I am your mother..."

He also counted on Song Mingjue to avenge her, but he almost died of anger after hearing what he said.

Song Mingjue said, "Are you still Gu Zhixin's mother, aren't you buried?"

mom? This word is really ironic!

The mother gave medicine to her son and wanted to take someone's kidney. She was found out. She felt that she was guilty and wronged. She wanted him to take revenge. What do you think?

I have suffered such a big loss, but I still can't learn to be honest!

Why don't you understand the truth that stupid people need to be quiet?

Shui Xingyun's mouth trembled, but she couldn't refute this.

Song Mingjue said indifferently: "If you want revenge, just go, don't hold me, I must go back to Linzhou today."

He really doesn't bother to control the water and the clouds, he can't control it, it's going to rain, my mother is going to die, can't stop it!

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