You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1653: Please remove the kidney

"" Shui Xingyun gritted her teeth and let it go. Of course she didn't dare to take revenge. Thinking about everything that happened yesterday, she felt that the end of the world was not so terrible, she didn't even dare to think about it. Knowing the new, I feel chilly when I think about it.

Let her take revenge, she would rather die now.

Shui Xingyun dared to speak fast here, and she dared to encourage others, it was impossible for her to go.

Song Mingjue knew that his mother wouldn't go by herself!

However, Song Mingjue wanted to know one thing, he asked: "You signed the agreement, you really plan to..."

Shui Xingyun stammered: "I... I was forced to be helpless at the time. My health was not good. How could I... be able to take out another kidney? Isn't this killing me? This matter, This matter... forget it, don't mention it anymore."

Song Mingjue smiled sarcastically, and didn't say anything. He didn't want to, so naturally he wouldn't say anything about Shui Xingyun.

However, Song Mingjue always felt that since Gu Zhixin asked his mother to sign the agreement, he would not stop asking about it, and there would definitely be something to follow.

Shui Xingyun still felt very wronged. She said: "Gu Zhixin forced me to sign that thing last night, he digged me out of the soil and left me in the wilderness. You don’t know what happened to me. What a sin, I walked all night, and all night, I encountered a few drivers who tried to plot wrongdoing on the road. I was almost scared to death. My feet are going to be abolished...his..."

Song Mingjue: "Okay, don't say anything, take you to the hospital first."

He took Shui Xingyun to the nearest hospital. When the doctor was washing and disinfecting her wound, he kept his tongue and asked what was going on. How did this foot hurt the city like this? The soles of the feet were bloody, basically nothing. A good piece of flesh.

Shui Xingyun kept screaming in pain, and didn't have time to answer the doctor's words.

Song Mingjue said perfunctorily, saying that her mother had hit a black car in a taxi and threw her halfway. She walked back alone. She lost her shoes while walking, so she could only walk barefoot on the ground, so that was it. ;.

The doctor scolded the driver of the black car and sympathized with Shui Xingyun.

After watering and bandaging, the doctor instructed to change the medicine every other day. You should not get any water before the wound has healed, and it is best not to touch your feet on the ground.

Song Mingjue used a wheelchair to push Shui Xingyun into the car, and then returned to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Song Mingjue bought the latest flight and took the luggage he had prepared before leaving, but Shui Xingyun refused to let him go, "You are gone, what should I do, you forgot what the doctor said. How can I be short of people like this?"

Song Mingjue said lightly, "I will find someone for you."

"No, no, I want to go, I want to go back to Linzhou, I won't stay here,, I can't go back to Linzhou, I...I..."

Shui Xingyun didn't dare to stay here. She was afraid of Gu Zhixin and she didn't dare to return to Linzhou. She was worried that the agreement she had signed would be very effective. What if she gets her kidneys removed in the hospital?

But Shui Xingyun couldn't think of where to go for a while, and she was still injured.

However, it didn't take long before it turned out that Shui Xingyun thought a little too much.

The person sent by Gu Zhixin knocked on the door and said very appropriately: "Madam, we are sent by the second master, and we will **** you back to Linzhou, please!"

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