You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1654: being arranged

At that time, Shui Xingyun collapsed. She thought that Gu Zhixin was forcing her to sign the agreement for voluntary organ donation, so she wouldn’t have to deal with it later. Unexpectedly, he actually sent someone to follow up with so many things. .

Song Mingjue was not surprised when he saw this scene. He even felt that this is Gu Zhi's new style. How could they not do one thing completely when they take care of their family.

Even in Song Mingjue's heart, he even more agrees with Gu Zhixin's approach, and he even wants to see his mother get a kidney removed for his sister.

Song Mingjue admitted that he was selfish, but he wanted to see Shui Xingyun being taught a real lesson.

With such a **** temper, if she doesn't let her suffer a serious loss, and don't give her a real lesson, she won't have a long memory, and she won't change it.

It's like being taught this by Gu Zhixin once, and almost buried alive, but people froze after it was safe and didn't have a long memory.

Song Mingjue could only say that the lesson she had learned was too shallow.

When a kidney is really removed, if her body is not so good, maybe she will be fine, otherwise, in the future, who knows what will happen to her in the future.

Of course Shui Xingyun refused to go back like this. When she thought that after going back, she might be pressed for kidney transplantation. She felt a pain in her stomach, as if a knife really slipped across her abdomen. Linzhou, I won’t go back to Linzhou. What are you guys, and you are not the police, so why do you interfere with my personal freedom, Mingyue, hurry up... call the security guard..."

The person sent by Gu Zhixin was expressionless and said indifferently: "Madam may not know yet, this hotel is actually...a property owned by the Gu family, and the Gu family has shares."

Therefore, even looking for security is useless.

Shui Xingyun's face was pale, "Call the police... Mingyue, call the police, call the police... these people are going to be against me, they... just say they want to kidnap me!"

Song Mingjue sighed: "Mom, the police are here, they will use you to report false police to waste police resources and detain you."

What kidnapping? Does anyone mean to kidnap her? They are just polite "escorts", listen clearly to escorts!

Faced with Shui Xingyun's uncooperative attitude, the bodyguard who came to pick up people was not at all anxious, nor angry, scolded, nor angry. The attitude was always very good!

"Madam, please, my second master, considering your health reasons, we have arranged a private jet for you and will definitely take care of you. Please don't worry, please take care of you!"

"Yes, ma'am, please, don't worry about anything, our second master arranged for you clearly and properly."

"Yes, the hospital in Linzhou has also consulted you. You and your daughter's kidneys are very matched, and the operation date has been set. You only need to maintain your health and cooperate."

"Yes, the doctor and our second master also arranged. If there are not enough experts in Linzhou, we will call you the best kidney transplant expert from Wellcome!"

Several bodyguards have a very good attitude, and they smile when they speak.

However, the Shui Xingyun was trembling, only to pass out.

Gu Zhixin actually arranged everything for her, and the date of the operation was fixed, and returned to the specialist, what the **** are you doing!

In order to pick her a kidney, Gu Zhixin really spared no effort!

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