You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1700: People are dead

He gets along well with his classmates in the school. If he moves, he will be far away from this school, and he will inevitably need to transfer.

Zhen Jinbao doesn't want to adapt to the new school anymore. He likes it here and doesn't want to move. ,

Since the two of them had made this decision, Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer did not force it.

While Zhen Baoer felt sad, she felt relieved.

Happy, both of them have now found their own living conditions, and both know how to live, this is the most important thing.

Therefore, Gu Zhixin bought the house they were renting now and put it under Tian Jinzhi's name.

When he told Tian Jinzhi about this, tears filled her eyes with excitement.

Although the house is a bit old and not big, it is their real home in this big city.

With a house, you will truly feel at home.

I have been renting a house, even if I rent it for ten or twenty years at a time, I never feel that it is my own home!

Because of this incident, Tian Jinzhi's affection for Gu Zhixin has risen to a new height.

In the evening, when Gu Zhixin was away, Tian Jinzhi said to Zhen Baoer: “It’s time to get along with Zhixin in the future. Don’t be stubborn, but be gentle. Zhixin is a good boy. Money, but there is no young master temperament, he is very mindful, it is not easy to be able to do this, if you meet him, don't miss it...

Zhen Baoer nodded with red eyes. Before, her mother would never say these things to her.

And this is what a mother should say to her daughter.

She thought she would never wait forever...


Although the family is still quite peaceful these days, there is still something, no big or small-Gu Meiyun died.

He died on a rainy night, but the doctor tried his best to rescue him but did not come.

Ten minutes after Gu Meiyun's heartbeat and breathing stopped, Gu Jingyuan received a call from the hospital and told him that Gu Meiyun was dead.

Gu Jingyuan hesitated, but decided to go to the hospital.

Qin Se woke up and saw that Gu Jingyuan was already dressed: "What's the matter, something is wrong?"

Gu Jingyuan thought about it and told her the truth: "My aunt is dead, I'll go to the hospital."

He originally wanted to go out in a hurry, but he was afraid that Qin Se would think about it, so he might as well just tell the truth.

When Qin Se heard this, he caught it in surprise: "Huh? So suddenly?"

Gu Jingyuan hurriedly supported her, "Don't move so violently. Last time the obstetrician told you to be careful... You passed away ten minutes ago, don't worry too much about it. Go ahead and sleep. I'll be back once I go."

For Gu Jingyuan, Gu Meiyun really has no feelings. She went there because of etiquette. After all, death is a big deal.

So he didn't want Qin Se to worry.

Qin Se nodded: "It's raining outside, you must be careful when driving on the road, slow down,"

Gu Jingyuan kissed her forehead: "Um... sleep!"


When Gu Jingyuan went out, Gu Meiyun's death did not stir up any waves in his heart, but at any rate he called her aunt.

It stands to reason that he should go there.

It was very cold tonight, the rain was a bit heavy, and the temperature dropped by seven to eight degrees.

When Gu Jingyuan arrived at the hospital, he saw Ji Chenxuan standing alone in the ward, on the bed, and Gu Meiyun's entity was covered with a white cloth.

Gu Jingyuan said: "Sorry!"

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