You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1701:

Looking at Gu Meiyun's corpse, Ji Chenxuan felt uncomfortable. He wanted to cry, but couldn't cry.

Gu Meiyun has been ill for such a long time. After many initial rescues, every rescue doctor told him that the chance of survival is very small and he should be prepared.

At the beginning of every rescue, Ji Chenxuan was very scared. He walked back and forth behind the door of the rescue room, unable to stop, and felt very uncomfortable and flustered.

Later, the number of rescues gradually increased, and Ji Chenxuan slowly became numb.

During this period of guarding Gu Meiyun, Ji Chenxuan watched the doctor treat her with various treatments, operations, chemotherapy, time after time, torturing people almost inhuman, losing her thick hair, and quickly losing weight within a period of time.

By now, Gu Meiyun is thin, with only a handful of bones left.

People who have cancer suffer from the pain during treatment. Others can't pay attention to it. When Gu Meiyun is awake, it hurts to death. Sometimes, listening to her screams, Ji Chenxuan dare not stay in the ward, he dare not listen.

Ji Chenxuan knew how serious Gu Meiyun's condition was, and that she was able to survive for a while. He knew that she would leave sooner or later.

However, as a son, he still hopes that Gu Meiyun can live one more day, one more day...

Until, she finally couldn't hold it today, and finally... left!

Ji Chenxuan thought, it would be a relief if she left like this.

When Gu Meiyun woke up last time, he said to Ji Chenxuan: "Don't worry about me anymore, let me die, it's too painful to live, it hurts too much, I can't stand it..."

Now, she finally didn't have to hurt anymore.

Ji Chenxuan comforted himself like this over and over again, but in his heart, he still felt uncomfortable thinking that he was pressing on the stone, heavy and out of breath.

People who have not watched the death of their closest relatives have no way to understand this pain.

Life and death are the four words in this world that have the most tears and the most pain!

Because no matter how hard you work, there is nothing you can do, you can only watch, the closest person, just leave your world like this, from now on, the world is so big that you will never see him or hear him again. sound.

Gu Jingyuan stood behind Ji Chenxuan and didn't say a word. He and Ji Chenxuan had been fighting against each other in the past two or three years. It could even be said that they had both had the idea of ​​killing each other.

It can be said to be the enemy.

Because Gu Jingyuan returned to Gu's house and touched Ji Chenxuan's best interests.

But later, Ji Chenxuan probably realized that he really didn't have the ability to fight against Gu Jingyuan, and slowly he died. Later, when Gu Meiyun became ill, he begged Gu Jingyuan.

Gu Jingyuan said nothing but helped him.

Now that Gu Meiyun is dead, and his husband hasn't come yet, Gu Jingyuan has arrived first.

Gu Meiyun has a husband, in-laws, sister-in-laws, nephews and nieces. There are many people in her in-laws, but none of them come.

Gu Jingyuan glanced at the time. It was very late, it was two in the morning, and he said, "You can't let people lie down like this forever. Funeral matters should be dealt with."

Gu Jingyuan came here not because of his affection for Gu Meiyun, but because of a courtesy. He is a person, and he understands the ethical guidelines. If he doesn't understand, is he still a person?

After a while, Ji Chenxuan said, "Thank you..."

After a two-second pause, he called again: "Cousin!"

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