You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1702: Free it

Ji Chenxuan also called Gu Jingyuan's cousin before, but only this time he was sincere.

When he needed help most, only Gu Jingyuan showed up regardless of previous complaints.

To Gu Jingyuan, Ji Chenxuan is grateful at this moment.

Gu Meiyun just died of breath, the hospital's change was the first to notify Ji Chenxuan's father, but now, Gu Jingyuan has been here for such a long time, and none of the Ji family has come.

Ji Chenxuan suddenly rejoiced, no matter what his mother died, if he died, he didn't need to realize what a chill was.

If you die, you don't have to face the family of vampires in the Ji family.

When Gu Meiyun was doing well in the past, the Ji family held her up and down, and Gu Meiyun had the highest status in her husband's family.

At that time, her husband did not dare to mess around outside, because they all depended on Gu Meiyun and all of them depended on the Gu family.

Later, when Gu Jingyuan came back, Gu Meiyun gradually lost power, and Ji's attitude towards her began to gradually change.

Later, Gu Meiyun fell ill. Since then, her position in the Gu family has plummeted.

When they were first admitted to the hospital, they came to visit the patient pretendingly, but later they refused to come.

Ji Chenxuan had already seen through to the Ji family.

He really felt that he was stinking with Ji's blood.

At the beginning, his father tried his best to be with her mother. At first, Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Gu didn't agree, and they didn't like the Ji family. However, Gu Meiyun had to marry when she was young and gave birth before marriage.

There is no way. At that time, people's thinking was still very feudal. If you have children, you can only marry.

Fortunately, with them watching, Gu Meiyun's life is still very good.

However, how can they think that one day it will become like this!

Gu Jingyuan said indifferently: "At this time, you don't have to be polite to me. I am not helping you either. I just want to finish my work quickly and go home quickly..."

Gu Jingyuan was telling the truth. Looking at Gu Meiyun's corpse, he didn't feel much. He just felt that people should be honest.

It was so late now, Gu Jingyuan worried that Qin Se would not be alone, he would think about things, he wanted to go back quickly.

However, Ji Chenxuan didn't think so. He thought that Gu Jingyuan was just such an arrogant person and didn't want others to thank him.

No one can help Ji Chenxuan now, only Gu Jingyuan can help him. ,

Therefore, to take care of Gu Meiyun's funeral, he can only help.

Originally, Ji Chenxuan's father should have done these things, but he hasn't come now, and his mobile phone can't get through.

Gu Jingyuan's people have already started to prepare quickly.

They want to clean Gu Meiyun's body, give her makeup, and ask for bed clothes.

Gu Jingyuan and Ji Chenxuan were standing in the corridor.

The two rarely have such a peaceful face to face.

Gu Jingyuan didn't speak, Ji Chenxuan looked up at him and said, " mother went, I think... is also a good thing. I look at her so painful every day, getting thinner day by day. You are not as thin as an adult. Now, I feel uncomfortable. Now that she is gone, she is... relieved."

He was talking to Gu Jingyuan, and he was comforting himself.

He wanted to make himself feel less uncomfortable.

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "The best you can think like this is that no one can jump away from birth, old age, sickness, and death. From now on, you still have to live."


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