You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1706: Shame

After all, she is an outsider, and how long has she been living in, she is really hot, otherwise she can't be charmed by Father Ji.

Therefore, when she was dragged down naked, Ji Chenxuan's uncle couldn't help but peek.

Even Grandpa Ji Chenxuan glanced twice more.

The little shame of Father Ji's mistress made her feel that she couldn't stay here any longer, but she didn't dare to shout or scold, so she could only sob quietly.

Even if she saw her son being dragged down, she was worried, but she did not dare to speak.

A big family was hit in the lobby on the first floor, looking at each other with fear and embarrassment, especially seeing the nakedness of Ji's father and his mistress.

But they can't care about too much embarrassment at the moment, because... this way to gather a large family, it is like the killer in the movie gathers a large family to destroy the door.

The two cousins ​​of Ji Chenxuan were so scared that they couldn't stop crying there.

Ji Chenxuan's grandparents trembled all over, and they didn't dare to speak.

In the end, Ji Chenxuan's uncle said, "Who are you, if you have something to say...If you want money, we will give it...Don't do it, don't mess around..."

Father Ji shivered: "Yes, yes, don't mess around, don't mess around, we have money, you can say as much as you want... as much as you want, even if we can't get it out, but we are relatives of the Gu family, you Gu family You know, it's the best in the city..."

Gu Jingyuan's bodyguard became even more impatient when he heard this, and despised the family so much, and interrupted him, "Stop talking nonsense... let's go!"

Everyone was shocked, this is to hijack them?

Father Ji asked hurriedly: "Go? This... can you tell who you are and where are you taking us?"

The bodyguard said: "You shut up and gagged his mouth."

Someone immediately fetched a towel from the toilet, and didn't know whether it was for wiping the hand or the hand washing station. Anyway, it was directly inserted into Ji's mouth.

Ji's father only felt that an unpleasant smell instantly penetrated into his mouth, making him want to vomit, but he couldn't vomit it out, and he was very uncomfortable.

The bodyguard said angrily: "Shut up, if anyone is yelling, just like him."

Father Ji’s mistress trembled and said: "Ok...whatever, let... let me wear a dress, if... Brothers and... have enemies with their Ji family, can you let me go? I was raised outside by him. Woman, I am not from their family..."

The bodyguard looked at it coldly, and Ji's mistress tried to show a charming smile, but it was really ugly!

The bodyguard gave her an extremely disgusting look. He raised his hand, and soon someone brought a towel and put it directly into her mouth rudely.

Each of Gu Jingyuan's bodyguards is very fast-trained, and many of them are retired soldiers, very powerful.

Gu Jingyuan explained to them that when they came to Gu's house, one of them was counted as one. As long as they were still breathing, they had to be carried over. They naturally had to follow Gu Jingyuan's orders!

In their eyes, there is no distinction between men and women as beautiful or ugly. In their eyes, there are only people who breathe and those who do not breathe, regardless of whether your body is good or bad.


You are right, Gu Meiyun is sa, so when you get married, you must keep your eyes open. If your parents say something, you should listen to it...

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