You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1707: Afraid of death

However, they were pretty good at heart. They felt that Father Ji and his mistress were just so naked. Going to the hospital would really pollute Gu Jingyuan’s eyes. Therefore, before going out, they just threw them to each of them. A bed sheet.

Therefore, the Ji family, the big son, didn't even wear shoes, and was dragged out of the house.

It was still raining outside, and the rain was still big. In late autumn, the weather was cold and wet, and the bodyguards were not so kind. They dressed them in thick clothes, brought them shoes, and gave them umbrellas!

So, from going out to getting in the car, they were all in the rain.

They were used to living a good life one by one, wherever they had suffered this sin, when the rain fell on their bodies, the coldness felt like they could get into the bones.

Moreover, they didn't wear shoes, and they stepped barefoot on the cold and rainy ground, and the sourness hit their foreheads.

Everyone in the Ji family was crying and howling.

The bodyguard shouted angrily: "Shut up all to me, if anyone talks, be like them."

Everyone shivered, and took a look in the heavy rain. They were even more embarrassed than them. Jifu and his mistress, swallowed their saliva, shivered, and dared not say any more.

After getting in the car, everyone was shuddering, terribly scared, their bodies were soaked with rain, and everyone was shaking.

Father Ji’s younger brother couldn’t help asking: "Big Brother...can...can you ask, I...we...what the hell..."

Bodyguard: "Shut up, say one more thing, I will throw it down for you now!"

The car is so fast now, if you are thrown down while driving, you will not die.

As a result, Ji's brother quickly tightened his mouth, and everyone was afraid to speak.

At this moment, they all thought that they might be going to die, and they couldn't figure out who these people in black who broke into the house suddenly were, who sent them, it was even more terrifying than the ones in the movie!

These people are so cruel!

It feels like they will kill at any time!

The journey from Ji’s house to the hospital is a bit far, but fortunately there are few cars on the road at this point. Although it rains, it has no effect on these bodyguards, and the speed is still so fast.

It wasn't until I arrived at the hospital and saw the door of the Wellcome Hospital that Father Ji felt a little bit in his heart, and then he suddenly realized that he probably knew the purpose of these people...

However, he wondered, when did his son have such great ability?

These people were hired by Ji Chenxuan in a hurry, so powerful.

Father Ji was not so afraid at this time. If it were Ji Chenxuan, he knew that he would not be dead, but he was still a little frustrated.

Because he couldn't figure it out, Ji Chenxuan now has someone to help, or...

After the car stopped, the bodyguards drove off the Ji family one by one like a duck.

The people of Ji's family were trembling with cold, and the road was almost impossible to walk. When they entered the hospital, they actually understood a little bit.

Because only Gu Meiyun was in the Gu family, but they hadn't been to the hospital for a long time to see her.

They were enjoying the wealthy life that Gu Meiyun brought with them, but they didn't care about her life and death at all.

When I brought people to the ward where Gu Meiyun lived, it was already past 4 in the morning.

Gu Jingyuan was cruel and upset. Before going out, he agreed with his wife. After finishing the work, he would return, soon.

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