You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1708: Not needed

As a result, the day is almost bright, and he can't go back yet!

The bodyguard walked in front of Gu Jingyuan and said, "Master Jing, have brought them here."


Gu Jingyuan responded without lifting his eyelids.

Gu Zhixin has arrived. He stood beside Gu Jingyuan and glanced at the embarrassed group of Ji family members who came here as if they were fleeing, and scoffed at him!

And Ji Chenxuan, at this time, had already put on a filial attire made of white cloth!

As soon as the Ji family entered the door, they saw two great gods erected in the room. They were so scared that they could hardly say anything. They saw An Ran lying on the bed, putting on a cheongsam, putting on makeup and shoes. Gu Meiyun was startled one after another, this is obviously...dead!

Father Ji couldn't feel the cold anymore, the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down one by one.

He didn't expect that the two brothers Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin were here.

Aren't they right to Gu Meiyun? Why did they come so early when she died?

The bodyguards who arrested them were obviously from the Gu family, and they all followed Gu Jingyuan's orders. ,

So, is Gu Jingyuan wanting... to clean them up?

They felt that they were cold-blooded and selfish, knowing that Gu Meiyun was dead and still sleeping at home, and refused to come to the hospital!

Gu Jingyuan... Is this going to support... Gu Meiyun?

Father Ji's mind is turning fast at this moment. If Gu Jingyuan really wants to support Gu Meiyun, then the Ji family and others are probably not right to have good fruit!

After the bodyguard brought Jifu and the others, he stopped dragging them.

With an idea, Father Ji tore off the stinky towel from his mouth, and then immediately cried out: "Wife...wife...why did you go like this, you are gone, what should I do? will be with me Let's go, I can't live without... "I have you!

Father Ji cried and said, and rushed toward the bed!


He was about to pounce on the bed, but was suddenly kicked on the back knee by Gu Zhixin.

Then, Ji's father fell down with a plop, his knees sturdy and knelt on the ground. The sound was so loud that it hurts even to hear it, and it made people think that his knee was about to break.

Father Ji's face changed when he was in pain, his mouth was open, and the words behind him couldn't make a sound!

He felt at the time whether his kneecap was broken.

Gu Zhixin slowly retracted his feet. He knew that there were still nails in his legs, so he didn't dare to use brute force. He just kicked him on his back knee with his toes and made him kneel down quickly.

Gu Zhixin hehehe said: "Tsk tusk, I am really moved by listening. I didn't expect that you would have such affection for my aunt. It's so moved, so moved. Are you brother?"

Gu Jingyuan nodded, "Well, moved!"

Gu Zhixin smiled: "So, since you told me to let my aunt take you away, how could I not help you?"

When Father Ji heard this, his whole body trembled, Gu Zhixin...he meant to...

", no, not right now, my parents and two elders are still alive, and Chen Xuan is not married yet. When his mother left, he must have missed him the most. Although, Meiyun's departure made me very sad. But... I can't let Meiyun go uneasy, I always have to give my parents the end of the care, watching Chen Xuan get married and have children, I can..."

Ji Chenxuan interrupted him suddenly: "No need..."

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