You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1949:

Just like the assistant slapped the door of the room last night, begging, Zhong Wenqing hoped that he could let him out, the door was always locked.

Pain, despair, and fear, like the tide, slap Zhong Wenqing fiercely under the water. All her struggles are in vain...

Until this moment, Zhong Wenqing had a little regret.

However, what she regretted was not raising a kid or killing her assistant. What she regretted was that she didn't ask her guru for a few more life-saving charms in advance, otherwise she would not be so miserable.

Zhong Wenqing found the phone and called the master’s apprentice...

However, it got through, but no one answered.

But Zhong Wen still didn't know, he was only separated from her by a door, and there were two people standing outside the door.

A man with a straightforward appearance, wearing a black loose Tang suit, holding a flashing mobile phone in his hand.

On the screen of the phone, it was the phone number of Zhong Wenqing!

He sent him to the man wearing a white elegant long gown with a crane embroidered on his clothes: "Master, do you think... do you want to pick it up?"

The back of the man in the long gown looks straight and upright. Wearing a Chinese-style Hanfu, the back looks very charming, like green pine and bamboo, not bent or bent.

He reached out to the man in the black Tang suit.

The black Tang suit put the phone in his hand, but he threw it the next second.

He said: "Yulu..."

The voice was a little hoarse, with some smoky voices, and could not tell the age, but the hand was exceptionally beautiful, slender and clean, pale, under the light of the corridor, it looked like a fine white jade.

The black Tang suit was stunned for a moment, and quickly took out the "Yu Lu" from the luggage he carried, and then handed it over.

The beautiful hand took the bottle of Yulu, poured it on his palm, turned his wrist, and flicked it towards the door. The Yulu spilled out and fell on the door.

After a while, a red totem gradually appeared on the door.

That is the magic circle drawn by Zhou Ping. It was originally hidden, but now under the influence of Yulu, it slowly appeared...

The black Tang suit was very surprised: "This...this looks like an extremely complicated magic circle..."

"You don't think so, it is indeed very complicated..." The beautiful hand stretched out again.

This time the black Tang suit knew what to hand over, so he handed over the clean handkerchief with both hands and took Yulu back.

Good-looking hand, carefully wiped each of his fingers with a handkerchief, his eyes fixed on the magic circle pattern that appeared on the door.

After a while, he only heard, he said lightly: "Unexpectedly, their Zhou family would have descendants."

The black Tang suit was surprised: "Master, do you recognize it?"

"This is a nine-set formation unique to the Zhou family...I thought the Zhou family should have died long ago..." In the second half of the sentence, he didn't talk to his apprentice, more like talking to himself!

The black Tang suit asked: "Then you can break it?"

His master ignored him, he turned the ring on his left hand, revealing a sharp blade, and cut through his right middle finger.

After the blood flowed out, he raised his hand and wanted to draw an array of destruction on Zhou Ping's rune array. However, he just drew a short comparison, and the originally bleak array suddenly shot out a gold The red light made him retreat.

At the same time, all around the door frame, wherever Zhou Ping had put a yellow talisman, a golden light of attack followed.


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