You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1950:

The two people in front of the forced door backed back again and again, the black Tang suit eyes and hands were quick, took out a black bone umbrella from the luggage, quickly opened it, and blocked the attack.

For ordinary people, the circle set up by Zhou Ping could not open the door at most, but it could not have any attack effect.

However, if someone who is knowledgeable wants to try to destroy this magic circle, it will automatically launch an attack.

Rao is in the black Tang suit to open the umbrella quickly, and the clothes on the two of them have a few holes at this time, like rotten holes left after being burned, and neat cuts like a sharp blade sliding across...

Especially in the black Tang suit, there was a long blood stain on the back of the hand, which looked like a sharp blade sliding past, and the blade was still hot, and there were bubbles around the wound.

The master in the black Tang suit let out a sneer: "'s quite poisonous."

"Master, I didn't expect this formation to be so powerful?" The black Tang suit looked at the formation on the door in shock, and the pain on the back of his hand made him dare not to underestimate the formation on this door. .

Even his master was hurt when he wanted to break through...

His master said: "This formation has been improved and diligent, and there is also the Diamond Dropping Demon Talisman to protect the law. It is really a real effort...interesting, really interesting, these years, it is also very good to meet such a powerful person. rare……"

He took a step forward, squatted down, looked at the corroded carpet, and said lightly: "It's rare to see a boy in the sun."

He got up and took a deep look at the formation talisman that was about to disappear on the door, and said: "Go..."

The black Tang suit picked up the phone on the ground, his phone was ringing again, and Zhong Wenqing called again.

He chased up and asked carefully: "Master, Zhong Wenqing, can we still save..."

The two of them are the guru whom Zhong Wenqing said and his disciple.

The black Tang suit is the disciple, and the man in the Hanfu with the beautiful crane pattern is the master.

The master sneered: "Why do you want to control?"

The apprentice said hurriedly: "No, no, I just think that she is our big customer. If she dies, we will lose a lot of money..."

The master reprimanded: "The mouse is short-sighted."

The black Tang suit nodded immediately: "The master's lesson is that the disciples really need to broaden their horizons. They have to learn more from the master in the future, but the master... If Zhong Wenqing dies tonight, someone will call the police and the police will Won't find... us?"

"Idiot, it doesn't matter whether she is alive or dead. Even if the police find out, it has nothing to do with us. Did we kill it? You killed it yourself?"

The apprentice lowered his head and said yes, not daring to violate the slightest: "The master's teaching is right, because the disciple has not considered enough... Then, master, shall we go back?"

"If you don't go back, the key is to find the person who set up the formation. I want to see, who is this person?"

The disciple couldn't help being curious: "Master, are you looking for her (him) to fight with you?"

There was a sneer at the corner of the black Tang suit's lips... He was not interested in fighting.

The two got into the elevator and went down.

The elevator stopped to the first floor.

Zhou Ping yawned and saw that the elevator finally came down, and said, "Sleepy, after going back, hurry to sleep..."

Qin Zheng helped Zhou Ping carry big bags of trophies and said, "Mom, if everything is done tomorrow, let's go out and play?"

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