You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2007:

The three of them didn't sleep last night, and asked Xu Mu to drive again. What if something happened?

Qin Zheng swears that he is definitely not caring about Xu Mu, he is worried that Xu Mu will doze off while driving and hurt him and his mother.

The man who drove was curiously asked: "Madam, how do you three think of climbing the mountain?"

Xu Mu said: "We just had a whim, want to come and see the sunrise."

Man with glasses: "If you want to see the sunrise, then you should tell me in advance. I will arrange for you to have a view on the top of the mountain. You can stand on the terrace and see the sunrise in the sea of ​​clouds..."

Xu Mu smiled and said, "Isn't this a sudden thought, but what you said is not bad, but you can arrange it for us later."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, make sure that the arrangements are properly..."

Xu Mu said: "We got up early and didn't sleep much, so we squinted for a while before calling us at the hotel."

"Okay, you three will go to bed first..."

Xu Mu reached out and pressed Zhou Ping's head to his shoulder: "Go to sleep... don't think about it, it's all over. This world has its own elimination rules, no one can control... Sometimes, everything is fate. What's more, they are very happy, isn't it, nothing is more perfect than leaving with a smile, for them, this is their best relief."

Zhou Ping nodded, she knew the truth, she just needed time to accept it.

There is nothing more perfect than leaving the world with a smile, no regrets, no cares.

But after all, she couldn't calm down.

For those three children who were born in this world in the future, it is hard to settle.


Zhou Ping called the captain in the car, made an appointment, and returned the three cans to the police station. After all, they were exhibits and the police had not closed the case and needed to keep them.

The captain asked them: "Is it going well?"

Xu Mu nodded: "Successfully."

Zhou Ping said to the team leader: "After you close the case, if these three jars are no longer useful, please call me and I will pick them up."

The captain nodded: "Of course, no problem."

Zhou Ping: "Thank you..."

The specimens of these three fetuses are the last evidence that they have ever existed in this world.

Zhou Ping wanted to set up a tombstone for them in the future.

Every child is an angel, knowing that they have no afterlife, but Zhou Ping still hopes to leave a thought.

After Qin Zheng returned to the hotel, he clumsily drew three ugly sticky dolls on top of the three of them using P-picture software, painted them with small wings, and put them on Zhou Ping's face. A flower.

Then, I posted this picture on Weibo: Because of you, I saw the most beautiful sunrise.

Qin Zheng's fans thought that the "you" in his mouth were Xu Mu and Zhou Ping.

But, only he knew that they were the ugly little angels above their heads.


The affairs of the three little ghosts made Zhou Ping depressed for several days, and even lost the mood to go out to play.

Qin Zheng and Xu Mu were worried, and neither of them was in the mood to argue.

I only hope that Zhou Ping's mood will gradually improve, and don't keep sinking like this.

Fortunately, Zhou Ping slowly recovered her former spirit.

In the past few days, they have lived quietly here, but they are not at all peaceful outside.

The uproar caused by Zhong Wenqing stirred the entire entertainment circle.

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