You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2008:

The police also issued a notice, confirming that the victim's body was Zhong Wenqing's assistant Tian. Key evidence was found in the nails of the victim's Tian. Zhong Wenqing has been arrested for serious suspicion.

The police also revealed that the Wan Xue case five years ago was related to Zhong Wenqing.

However, the police need to further investigate and handle the specific case. If there are new developments, we will be notified in time...

The network, which had already been surging in waves, exploded again.

What Zhong Wenqing lost here is not an atomic bomb, but a serial in-situ single...

Wan Xue's crazy thing has something to do with her, my god, this woman, how many horrible things have been done.

I thought they were evil, but I didn't expect them to be a **** murderous demon.

The troubles of Wan Xue back then were so terrible, but in the end, everyone thought that Wan Xue was insane, but who would have thought that all this was Zhong Wenqing's handwriting?

What the police gave was that Zhong Wenqing administered medicine to Wan Xue back then, and the medicine destroyed her brain nerves, causing her to fall into madness, thick line hallucinations...

And the police also said that as the case progressed, they suspected that the victim, maybe more than these two, there were others...

Of course no one doubted the evidence released by the police.

Zhong Wenqing was caught in scolding by the whole people, and netizens petitioned to give those victims an explanation and severely punish Zhong Wenqing, the murderer.

This is the most despicable, shameless, and disgusting star they have ever seen...

Her evil broke through, everyone's bottom line.

Some netizens, but the atmosphere, directly raised banners on the street: the murder demon Zhong Wenqing, without the death penalty, the law of heaven is intolerable.

Zhong Wenqing's silly fans finally became sober in front of a series of "evidences" announced by the police, and began a large-scale powder removal.

He also said that he apologized for the stupid things he had said, and regretted that he was blind and liked such a murderous maniac...

Subsequently, all kinds of black materials about Zhong Wenqing emerged in an endless stream. Some real people came out to report with their real names, some anonymous, some true or false, and the wall was pushed down by everyone, especially those who had sought after Zhong Wenqing, and they wanted to kill themselves. I just hate why I was blind at the beginning, and I thought this vicious woman was pretty.

Under her beautiful skin, she is indeed the ugliest soul in the world.

With Zhong Wenqing’s bomb blasting one after another, other celebrities' love affairs, playing big names, and breaking up are all insignificant.

"Qin Zheng scolded fans" fans were drowned in the ocean, and no one paid any attention to them.

However, it didn't take long for Qin Zheng's follow-up to scold the fans, and there was still some heat in the bomb thrown by Zhong Wenqing.

The reason is that the two so-called fans who exposed Qin Zhengma fans were caught stealing.

Yes, I was caught...

When they took the elevator in the hotel, they took advantage of the crowds and stole a man's wallet.

They thought that with so many people, the monitoring in the elevator should not be able to take pictures of their movements.

However, the surveillance is awesome, just take it...

After the police reported that they had caught the two people, they issued a report and said that these two people were habitual offenders. This was not the first time they committed the crime. Theft was normal in their lives, and the amount involved was quite large.


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