You Are My Gravity

Chapter 203: Urge marriage?

Zhen Baoer blew a whistle, wiped away the tears from her cheeks handsomely, and walked away with a fall of her hair.

Surrounded by the crowd, Gu Zhixin gritted his teeth and watched Zhen Bao'er walk away...

He swears that he will never spare this woman!

"Zhen Bao'er, wait for Lao Tzu..."


And in the Xintian Entertainment headquarters not far away from the two, Qin Zheng finally saw his mother and sister, and immediately seemed to have caught the life-saving charm.

"Mom, elder sister, please help me. They are all swindlers here. Please call the police and let the police come and put them in this swindler's nest."

Zhou Ping looked at her son and shook her head disgustedly, "You, I finally won't worry about it anymore!"

Qin Zheng was initially unhappy when he saw his mother. He knew that his mother's fighting strength was so strong that she would definitely be able to get him out.

But, why is it different from what you think?

Qin Zheng couldn't turn his head for a while: "Mom...what...what do you mean?"

Qin Se leaned over and looked at his younger brother sympathetically.

"Xiaozheng, what my mother meant is, you are here to remodel, bah, no, you are here to re-behave, try to get out of the way early and win glory for your family."

Qin Zheng clenched his fist: "Qin Se, you can tell me more clearly!"

Qin Se blinked: "To make it clearer, my dear brother, my mother and I sold you!"

Qin Zheng suddenly yelled, "Qin Se..."

Qin Se hid behind Zhou Ping in the next second: "Xiaozheng, you are so old, and you should make money for me and my mom. How old are you and you can't always chew on old people?"

Qin Zheng looked at Zhou Ping angrily: "Mom, I'm not an adult yet, I have to take the college entrance examination this year!"

Zhou Pingqingqing Sangzi: "Well, just now, I signed a contract with your company. In the next ten years, you will be able to'work' here. Anyway, your studies will be the same, and you will probably be admitted to university. It’s a good school, it’s better to get out to work early, so as not to make me feel bad all day!

"Am I your son?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes!"

"Then you still do this to me?"

Zhou Ping sighed: "It is because you are my son, so..."

Qin Se talked loudly: "If you don't cheat, who do you cheat?"

Zhou Ping raised her hand and hit Qin Se: "What nonsense?"

Qin Se shut up quickly!

Qin Zheng thought that his mother was still reluctant to bear it, but unexpectedly, she gave him another knife: "How can you tell the truth in front of your brother, he can't accept it!"

Qin Zheng vomits blood...

Qin Se patted his brother on the shoulder: "Anyway, you work hard and listen to Teacher Xu's words. Mom and I will leave. We will support you mentally. Come on, brother, don't be too embarrassed when you are on TV. Otherwise, my mom and I won't recognize you!"

Qin Zheng was hit hard again!

As I watched, my only two relatives left him and left happily.

As soon as the mother and daughter walked out of the gate of Xintian Entertainment, they saw Gu Jingyuan’s luxury car parked there, and he was standing in front of the car with a long body.

He stepped forward, "Mom, Shanshan..."

Zhou Ping frowned: "Why are you here?"

Qin Se whispered: "Mom, I... what I said, this is not... taking others' hands short."

Zhou Ping remembered how many things he swept in the mall today, and her face was unavoidably sad.

"Well, I trouble you today."

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "Mom, you are too polite. Sooner or later you will be a family. Mine is your kind!"

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth: "But there is no one yet!"

Gu Jingyuan was silent for a while: "Mom... do you want to be a grandma, so, urge me to marry Shanshan as soon as possible?"


(Here @顾知新, have you seen it, this is the gap, learn more...)

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