You Are My Gravity

Chapter 204: Be grandma

Zhou Ping was speechless. What wrong signal did she give Gu Jingyuan so that he could misunderstand her short words like this?

Zhou Ping took a deep breath, "You... Xiao Gu, have you misunderstood something?

As a result, no one left her.

Turning his head to see, his stupid daughter was looking at each other affectionately with Gu Jingyuan!

Zhou Ping resented the lack of steel and twisted her daughter's arm: "What are you stupefying?"

Qin Se said painfully: "Mom, it hurts..."

Gu Jingyuan hurriedly protected Qin Se: "Mom, don't be angry, I... I just couldn't take my eyes off when I saw Shanshan. She was ashamed of me and didn't hear you."

Zhou Ping was considered a toothache by these words: "Xiao Gu, I promised you to see your performance, but..."

Gu Jingyuan interrupted her: "Mom, don't worry, I will never let you down."

Qin Se whispered in Zhou Ping's ear: "Mom, when you were shopping today, weren't you also very happy, especially when Miss Ji Jia was kicked out."

When Miss Ji was thrown out today, Zhou Ping and her daughter were in a very good mood.

Zhou Ping glared at Qin Se, and she shut up immediately.

Gu Jingyuan respectfully said to Zhou Ping: "Mom, today you and Shanshan are tired, shall I send you back?"

Zhou Ping nodded...

When they left here, Qin Zheng made a noise in Tianyu.

Xu Mu came over and walked to him and said: "My child, I am forty-four this year. Your father is enough for your age. Your mother and your sister will hand you over to me before leaving. I promised to leave them and let you Send it to the highest stage,'s no use how you struggle, just accept your fate."

Qin Zheng said, "My dad is gone, but that doesn't mean that even if you want to be my stepdad, I will recognize you in a hurry."

Xu Mu smiled, with fine lines on the corners of his eyes, but the years of baptism made him look more attractive.

As far as others are concerned, years may be a killer.

But for him, wrinkles are more like a gift from time.

"You kid, it's really interesting. If you really don't want to stay here, you can actually..."

As soon as Qin Zheng heard that before he was happy, he heard Xu Mu say again: "But... you have to pay out 20 million liquidated damages first."

Qin Zheng's shocked eyes were about to burst, and he shouted, "Damn, why don't you grab the bank?"

Xu Mu opened his hands: "Our company's contracts are all like this. You can leave with the money. If you don't have the money, you just... wait until you make enough money and redeem yourself. If you don't have any money, you can go and beg you. Mother and sister."

Qin Zheng gritted his teeth, even if his sister really took it out, it would be Gu Jingyuan's bastard's money.

No, the scholar can be killed but not humiliated, he doesn’t want that guy to pay,

Besides, the two of them sold him so happily that they wouldn't pay for it.

Xu Mu slowly said: "However, Qin Zheng, if you think about it clearly, this path may not be bad, isn't it bad for success? How many people desire to become famous once the world knows, don't you even be careful about yourself? ?"

Qin Zheng clenched his hands...


Gu Jingyuan sent Zhou Ping's mother and daughter back to the villa.

As the car stopped, Zhou Ping seemed to be asleep in the back seat.

Gu Jingyuan held Qin Se's hand, seemingly emotional: "It seems that we will have to work harder in the future."

Qin Se couldn't touch Bei by his words: "What are you working hard for?"

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "Work hard and let my mother be a grandmother as soon as possible. I'm afraid her elderly can't wait."

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