You Are My Gravity

Chapter 205: Couldn't hold back

Zhou Ping in the back seat suddenly opened her eyes. When did my old lady say that I can't wait?

This Gu Jingyuan is too brazen!

Zhou Ping said with a gloomy face, waiting to see how Gu Jingyuan fooled her stupid daughter!

In the front, Qin Se didn't know that his mother was awake in the back seat, and said with a blushing face: "You're talking nonsense, you haven't obtained my mother's consent yet, as if my mother likes you very much?"

Zhou Ping nodded. That's right, the silly daughter still knows how she wants to be a mother.

It's time to answer that kid's words like this.

When Zhou Ping saw that, Gu Jingyuan leaned over and kissed her daughter's face secretly: "You don't understand, mother-in-law, she has a knife-mouthed tofu heart. In fact, she is very satisfied with me!"

Zhou Ping has a black face, as if taking off her shoes and hitting someone!

Hey, this kid, saying he is shameless, should he praise him?

There is really no lower limit to flicker her daughter here...

Dare to kiss her in front of her, he really thought he was a mother who was sleeping in the back?

I'm still satisfied with him, his eye sees that she is satisfied with her?

Is it clear that there are opinions, especially now?

Kiss her daughter, have you asked her if she is a mother?

Qin Se covered his face where Gu Jingyuan had kissed him, and glared at Gu Jingyuan: "Hey, don't move your hands, my mother is behind, if she wakes up and sees it, be careful that she kills you!"

When I was in the first year of high school, there were boys in the school who liked Qin Se and blocked her every day after school. Later, Zhou Ping found out about that boy, grabbed his ears, and rushed to his house.

In front of his parents, he beat the kid!

After that, the kid walked around the corner when seeing Qin Se!

However, Gu Jingyuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, my mother-in-law will be happy to see us so affectionate!"

"is it?"

Zhou Ping's gloomy voice suddenly sounded.

Qin Se shivered with fright, and instinctively threw Gu Jingyuan's hand off.

Gu Jingyuan felt regretful, how did his mother-in-law wake up? I knew that I should have kissed a few more times just now, anyway... have been discovered!

He turned around and said, "Mom, you are awake!"

Zhou Ping chuckled, "Yeah, if you don't wake up, will you continue to take advantage of my daughter?"

Qin Se swallowed his throat, look, she said, her mother knew that she would definitely not spare him so easily!

Qin Se really wanted to separate his relationship with Gu Jingyuan right now, "Mom, it doesn't matter to...I, I was him, I have to kiss..."

Gu Jingyuan...

Slowly turned his head to look at Qin Se.

She shrinks her neck and hides aside.

Zhou Ping said coldly: "Do you know how much endurance I used to not beat you, Xiao Gu, I agree with you to chase my daughter and prove to me that you have the ability to protect her and give her happiness, but , You can't, just be so unscrupulous in front of me, right?"

Seriously, no one is a mother who likes to watch other men take advantage of his daughter!

For a while, the atmosphere in the car was a bit solemn.

Qin Se didn't dare to breathe.

I really want to hide!

Gu Jingyuan was silent for a while, and said: "Mom...I'm sorry, this is indeed to blame..."

Qin Se said in his heart: "Let's see, let's see, even if you have the patience, in front of my mother, don't you want to persuade you?"

But she still underestimated Gu Jingyuan.

In the next second, I heard him say: "When I see Shanshan, I am always uncontrollable and difficult to control. I tried to restrain myself, but... Shanshan's charm is too big, so... I can't hold it back!"

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