You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2105:

The eldest brother's body was imprisoned, he struggled back and forth like a ball of water, but no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

He kindly said: "You, a vicious woman, used a trick to me. If you have the ability, let me go and see if I will beat you."

Zhou Ping is very sorry and said: "Senior, I'm really sorry, please forgive me, when my son is fine, I can promise you any terms."

The eldest brother said: "Hehe...When your son is okay, will you stand still and let me fight?"

Zhou Ping said embarrassedly: "This...impossible, don't think about it, think of something reliable."

The ghosts who were secretly watching in the distance were shocked.

Damn, their eldest brother is so good, so he was caught by this master.

They were wrong. This is no ordinary mortal, but a truly awesome master.

If you can't do it, you can get into the tomb and hide it, don't let the master see it for a while, just clean them up.

The eldest brother gritted his teeth angrily: "Bah, you think you can hold Lao Tzu, and don't look at how many years Lao Tzu has been a ghost, I haven't seen this little trick..."

He said again: "I advise you to let me go, and don't wait for me to break through your broken charms by myself. You can't bear my anger at that time."

Zhou Ping shook her head: "My Nature's Way predecessor is great, but...I still said that. I hope you will be invited over. My son is very dangerous now. Since I have already come, I will not go back empty-handed."

The elder brother's ghostly body is sulking, this woman is too hateful, go back empty-handed? When he is what, is it a carrying object?

He angrily said: "Okay, you wait for Lao Tzu... I won't show you anything, you really don't know, how many jins are you..."

I saw his resentment skyrocketing, and there was a whirlwind around his body.

Zhou Ping was so blown that he almost couldn't hold back and wanted to retreat. After a while, the Fu Hua on the ghost of the eldest brother became a fan!

Zhou Ping was horrified, this ghost is really powerful.

With so many talisman sticking to him, he can actually break through, if it is a ghost next to him, one talisman would be enough.

This ghost is about a hundred years old.

Nima, I ran into a big ghost today, it was a hard thorn, not easy to chew.

However, Zhou Ping naturally won't shrink back.

Fortunately, she is prepared today.

The big ghost who broke through the shackles, Yang Tian laughed loudly, and the figure returned to a height of more than two meters, looking so majestic and tall.

He looked at Zhou Ping in midair, "I said, "You can't hold me up, let's see how I can clean you up!"

After that, the face that was as big as a basin suddenly magnified several times, just like at the beginning, opening his mouth wide to swallow Zhou Ping.

He is aggressive and murderous...

Zhou Ping couldn't hold it if he was bitten by such a big ghost.

With the Taomu sword in front of her, Zhou Ping suddenly shouted: "Jing Yuan, come on..."

Gu Jingyuan was ready long ago. Hearing Zhou Ping's shout, he ran over in two steps.

As soon as he approached, the murderous aura that the big brother ghost had originally emitted suddenly dissipated a lot, and the big face was suddenly two times smaller...

He scolded: "I rely on... you cheated..."

He just yelled, Zhou Ping had already swung his sword and slashed over...

The peach wood sword slashed extremely hard, and the big face was broken, and the big brother ghost screamed!

But, the next second, Zhou Ping was stunned.

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