You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2106:

Because Zhou Ping is really...surprised, so surprised!

The main reason is that I never thought that this big brother ghost... actually looks like this!

The ferocious, bearded look just now turned out to be his disguise.

And his real appearance is just a half-old child who has not grown up.

Zhou Ping had just slashed over with that sword, and dispelled the disguise on the face of Big Brother's ghost, revealing his original appearance.

A childish face, it seemed that he was only fifteen or sixteen years old, younger than Qin Zheng.

Although his face was tinged with the unique blue-gray color of ghosts, he was clearly a pretty kid boy!

A baby face, if it's a real person, put it on campus, it's definitely one in the middle school.

Zhou Ping suddenly felt that she was a bit bullying.

Bullying the small...

It seems to be a little...not so... kind to start with a child!

However, she can also understand that being a big brother, who looks like a big brother on the outside, is more capable of bluffing.

Now, with a single sword, he has wiped out the disguise of the eldest brother, which... is tantamount to revealing the shortcomings of the ghost.

The eldest brother was stunned for a while, and quickly covered his face.

He exclaimed angrily: "Slaps people without slaps in the face, you woman is too vicious, not only cheating to find accomplices, still slap me in the face..."

He thought to himself, it's over, the image of the wise elder brother who has painstakingly disguised himself for so many years is completely disillusioned and gone.

In the future, how should he face his ghost brothers?

Standing next to Zhou Ping, Gu Jingyuan looked at the ghost that had already appeared in the air, and was a little surprised: "Mom...this kid, is this the old ghost you're looking for?"

Now he was angry with this elder brother, and he rushed in mid-air angrily: "What are you talking about, what are you talking about, what kid, I am the eldest brother, the leader of this piece, kid, don't think you... Keep away from me, don't lean too close to me..."

Originally, the eldest brother wanted to say a few hard words, but unexpectedly, Gu Jingyuan suddenly took two steps forward, scared him to retreat a bit quickly.

Although he is much better than that aunt, even if he gets closer, he won't be trembling with fear and lose his figure.

However, Gu Jingyuan is a personal ghost-killing device, and even the eldest brother can't stand it when he gets close.

Gu Jingyuan glanced at the corner of his lips: "Let's go, don't resist, it's useless."

The eldest brother ghost gritted his teeth: " bully the ghost...I don't know the same as you, wait for're slapped against Laozi again..."

Brother Gui saw that the situation was not good, Zhou Ping was very powerful, he could still fight her, and he still had a chance of winning, but with the addition of this humanoid ghost destroyer, he really couldn't hold it.

So he wanted to run away first, but Zhou Ping, who had been watching him on the side, saw his intention to escape, and then Zhou Ping shot.

Zhou Ping came up with a strengthened talisman that she had prepared in advance. This was painted before she came. She was afraid that ordinary ghost talisman would not work for the big ghost, so she painted an enhanced version!

Zhou Ping posted a lot of sheets on Big Brother Ghost, and Gu Jing was on the side, weakening a lot of his power. Therefore, he couldn't get rid of this talisman.

Zhou Ping sighed, posted another one, and said to the elder brother ghost: "I'm really sorry. I can't help it. My son is in danger now. Please do me a favor. Please."

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