You Are My Gravity

Chapter 215: Debt collector

Gu Zhixin grew up on the streets, and when he was very young, he refused to suffer.

He who beat him, who owes him something, he will get it all back.

At the age of 5, a tooth was knocked out by a street gangster in his 20s.

Ten years later, when he was 15 years old, he found the guy and knocked out the teeth of others.

He remembered a tooth for ten years.

Zhen Baoer owes him, whether it is new or old hatred for so many years, he can rank first!

Therefore, he must collect all the debts even at the cost and profit!

If she wants to hide, she also has to have the ability to hide.

Gu Zhixin flipped through Zhen Baoer’s Weibo, hehe sneered: "I said you are stupid, you have to prove how stupid you are. The three acres of land in Kyoto are under Lao Tzu’s eyes and want to hide. , I have to pay the debt.

Gu Zhixin casually sent Zhen Baoer a private message: Then you have to hide, and don't be found by the debt collector!

I posted a Weibo and ate instant noodles while watching dramas at home, and suddenly sneezed, feeling a chill in the back of my spine!

It just so happens that there is a message notification on the mobile phone, and when I click it to open it, there is a new private message on Weibo.

Zhen Baoer is also a small and big influencer, with two or three hundred thousand Weibo fans, and she receives many private messages every day.

But Zhen Baoer is a very dedicated internet celebrity. She will try her best to read the private messages sent by fans.

So she clicked on the top private message and saw the sentence Gu Zhixin sent!

Zhen Baoer was stunned when she saw this. What...what is this?

Look at the sender ID is: debt collector

Zhen Baoer shivered, let me wipe it, what the **** is this?

Gu Zhixin's handsome and enchanting face immediately appeared in her mind.

The instant noodles in your mouth are difficult to swallow for a while!

She bit her lip. It should be... it shouldn't be so coincidental, right?

Zhen Baoer clicked on the "Debt Collector" homepage, and there was only one Weibo in it, which was posted just now. Those words made Zhen Baoer's hands a little trembling...

Because that Weibo is written like this-

Since I was a child, I have eaten everything except for the loss. Therefore, all those who owe Laozi have to be careful, hide in the sky, and I can also drag you back. One or two will not work!

Zhen Baoer turned pale with fright.

This...this...obviously, that crazy evil star.


What can I do?

Zhen Baoer's instant noodles got stuck in her throat, choking, she kept beating her chest, and finally took two mouthfuls of instant noodle soup before swallowing.

She was scared in the room, spinning back and forth.

She sniffed, and said aggrieved: "How unlucky I am when I met such a pervert... chasing me and refused to let go, right?"

Zhen Baoer suddenly thought of Qin Se, and called her quickly.

It was still early at this time, and I waited for a while before calling.

Zhen Bao'er didn't wait for Qin Se to speak, so she cried and said, "Se Niu'er, I'm going to live with you, you have to protect me, I'm entangled in perversion..."

After she cried and said, she heard a very decisive, very cold, and very cold word on the phone: "No!"

Zhen Baoer stopped crying, and she was taken aback for a moment. It wasn't... Qin Se picked it up, it was her wild man!

Qin Se swallowed, "Why, I am a good friend of Qin Se, a good girlfriend?"

Gu Jingyuan: "Fire, theft, and girlfriend, understand?"

Zhen Baoer vomited blood angrily: "You... if you really love Qin Se, how I seduce you, you won't be hooked, unless you don't love him or her enough."

Gu Jingyuan said indifferently: "Well, then I tell you clearly, don't be a light bulb. I wish I could face her every day, so why should I give you the time?"

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