You Are My Gravity

Chapter 216: Poisonous Dog Food

Zhen Baoer covered her chest, almost not being poisoned by this sentence!

"You...You are too much, I want to ask Qin Se personally, what you said is not counted!"

Zhen Baoer regrets it now. Last time, when Qin Se stayed at her house last night, Gu Jingyuan came, and she specially pushed Qin Se out.

Otherwise, where would Gu Jingyuan have the opportunity to experience Qin Se, surfing in the car!

It's all right now, no need to use her, she is just an electric light bulb.

It won't work for two days!

This man is as damning as his perverted brother!

Gu Jingyuan told Zhen Baoer: "I'm afraid this will not work. She was tired last night and was sleeping."

Zhen Baoer...

Last night... Tired? How tired?

Well, forgive her for thinking about being crooked.

She is terrified here, but Qin Se is holding a beautiful boy, singing every night, is there any reason?

Zhen Baoer thought angrily: My mother also wants to hug a beautiful boy every day and roll the sheets every night...

Gu Zhixin's face suddenly flashed in her mind, and she shuddered.

"Mr. Gu, you... we can discuss it carefully? You can't be so unreasonable. Qin Se and I have been best friends for many years. You are in love with each other. By doing this, you are destroying the relationship between our sisters. do not know?"

Gu Jingyuan did not eat her set: "So what, you are not my friend!"

For Gu Jingyuan, anyone who came to be an electric light bulb to reduce the time he spent with Qin Se was an enemy of the invaders, and they had to be eliminated!

Yes, wipe out!

Just like Qin Zheng.

Think of it now, hehe... someone will tell him immediately: You sold yourself for ten years, boy!

Gu Jingyuan finally managed to get Qin Zheng away, where would she be allowed to let Zhen Baoer in again.

He is not willing to trouble himself.

Besides, for Zhen Baoer's mind, it is better not to have more contact with his wife.

Yes, to be honest, he dislikes Zhen Baoer!

Now, next to Gu Jingyuan, he felt that the only thing he needed to overcome was sitting on the mountain with his mother-in-law.

As long as the mother-in-law let go, everything is fine.

He just needs to marry a wife and make children...

Zhen Baoer felt like she had been fed a bowl of poisonous dog food, with the poisonous kind!

One bite can poison people to death!

Their Gu family brothers really shed the same blood!

Zhen Baoer's angry liver hurts: "Hey, Gu Jingyuan, do you know why I came to Qin Se for help? Isn't it all because of you..."

But before Zhen Baoer could say the rest, Gu Jingyuan suddenly hung up the phone.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Zhen Baoer gave several feeds, and the phone was hung up, and there was no answer.

She stamped her feet angrily, "I'm so angry, I'm so angry, so disrespectful... Wait, you all wait for me, my old lady is not so easy to be bullied, huh... I..."

Zhen Bao'er covered her face and wailed, "I think we should find a place to escape first!"

She didn't want to eat anymore, so she hurried to pack up her escaped luggage.

Although we have to run away, we must not forget beauty.

Zhen Baoer took some of her favorite clothes and cosmetics, made sure she didn't forget to bring them, and then she left.

The door was about to open when the phone rang.

Zhen Baoer picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar phone, and she thought it was a courier and answered it.

As a result, I heard a cold voice: "Did you think of a place to escape? Hide it, don't be found by me...otherwise...he..."

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