You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2163:

Qin Zheng was a little unhappy: "Mom, if you have time to care about that little ghost, you should care more about it, your son, your son is also very poor."

Zhou Ping stretched out his hand and flicked, Qin Zheng's forehead: "Okay, your catastrophe has passed. I think your luck has been on the rise recently. There are no small disasters, so don't pretend to be pitiful."

Zhou Ping did not leave until Qin Zheng got better, just to see his follow-up.

Facts have proved that Qin Zheng is now physically good, and luck is also very good. When filming, he perfectly avoided all accidental injuries, not even a little bruise.

Watching his fortune, it will be up all the way for some time to come, which is very gratifying.

Therefore, there was basically no problem, and Zhou Ping was relieved to leave.

Moreover, Qin Zheng now has a ghost brother, who is basically a super amulet.

With him, Qin Zheng would basically not have any ghosts close by.

Zhou Ping’s luggage has been checked, he held the bag and waved: "Go..."

Seeing that Zhou Ping was already in line, Qin Zheng pulled off his mask and shouted: "Mom, I'll go back when I finish shooting. Remember to ask my sister and brother-in-law Baoer to prepare birthday gifts for me..."

He roared so loudly, everyone around looked over.

Many people recognized him.

Zhou Ping immediately covered her face, did not look back, pretended not to know, and stepped into the security gate quickly.

A little girl shouted, "Wow...Qin Zheng, it's Qin Zheng..."

"Really, it's Qin Zheng..."

An aunt asked, "Qin Zheng, is that the child who saved someone two days ago?"

"Yes, yes, it's him, an outstanding young man who has acted bravely..."

Seeing a group of people approaching, Qin Zheng regretted his death. He covered his face and said: "I am not, I am not... you have admitted the wrong person, I am so beautiful, how could it be Qin Zheng..."

After speaking, Qin Zheng pulled Xu Mu around and ran away.

Although it ran fast, it was still photographed by fans and posted online.

#Today I met a cute and sand-sculpted Qin Zheng Didi! #

Many passers-by join in the fun with Qin Zheng's fans.

#Oh time is fast, my younger brother is going to be an adult and can fall in love#

#Hahaha, I used to hate Qin Zheng very much, but now... I feel like his whole body is poking my smile at three hundred and sixty degrees, you say how can there be such a cute person in this world#

#Agree upstairs, me too, I used to hate Qin Zheng so much, but now I look so pleasing#

There are a lot of comments like this, and Qin Zheng’s fans will reply below: Congratulations, you succeeded in getting eye disease. Now we are the same. Welcome to join Qin Zheng Didi’s fan group with eyes sick.

Qin Zheng saw that he was on the hot search again, and immediately sent a clarification on Weibo: I have said, I am not, I was serious and conscientious in filming on the crew today, but I have never run wild, am I like that kind of brainless person? , Am I like someone who can say that kind of naive thing?

His fans lined up to leave a message below: Like!


Zhou Ping slept on the plane for two hours. After waking up, the plane warned that it was about to land.

Zhou Ping packed her things and waited for the plane to land.

She turned to look outside, thinking about going out this time.

This trip is really not beautiful.

However, having given Qin Zheng the catastrophe before he became an adult, this trip is worthwhile.

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