You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2164:

After waiting for about ten minutes, the plane bumped and landed safely.

When getting off the plane, Zhou Ping was talking to Gu Jingyuan on the phone, telling him that the plane had landed and he would be able to get out in a while.

Gu Jingyuan and the others are at the airport exit, waiting for her.

While talking, a child suddenly rushed out and hit Zhou Ping. Her phone fell to the ground and she almost fell.

No, fortunately, someone behind her reached out and held her.

A gentle voice rang in my ear: "Are you okay?"

Zhou Ping stabilized her figure and looked up. The other party was over 30 years old, with a clear appearance and silver-framed glasses. She looked very bookish and elegant.

Zhou Ping scanned the other's facial features and shook her head: "Oh, it's okay, it's okay..."

He released Zhou Ping's hand, bent over and picked up the phone on the ground: "Your phone."

Zhou Ping said: "Thank you."

He suddenly frowned, looked at the front, and his voice amplified: "Hey, the parent of that child, your child hit someone and broke their phone screen. Don't you care about it?"

The child was five or six years old, and his parents were trying to leave as soon as possible. They probably wanted to escape compensation.

Now the people on the plane are walking out through the tunnel, everyone is looking at them, and they are embarrassed to run.

The child’s mother was embarrassed: "Isn’t the child young, ignorant..."

The person said lightly: "Children are not sensible, and adults are not sensible?"

The child's mother whispered: "That child runs fast, we... can't hold it..."

Zhou Ping held up her mobile phone, there was already a crack on the mobile phone screen, she said: "My mobile phone was broken like this by you, you didn't even say an apology, you just want to go, why do you want to go wrong?"

As a result, Zhou Ping really didn't expect that the child's father said something very shameless.

He even said: "You, an adult, were knocked lightly by a child, and the phone fell off. Why are you so innocent? How do we know, did you want to touch porcelain on purpose?"

Zhou Ping just wanted to say something...

This man looks so simple and honest looking at people, why is he so shameless?

Many people around showed contemptuous eyes, "Touch porcelain? Don't you look at this lady, what are you carrying, hundreds of thousands of bags, people touch your porcelain? What are you kidding?"

Another stylishly dressed young woman said: “That’s right, I see that the clothes this lady is wearing is also Valentino’s latest high-end embroidered coat. You are young, but you can't talk but your brains, right?"

This woman is a fashion editor. She did first class like Zhou Ping. She noticed Zhou Ping on the plane, from her clothes to shoes to the interior of the bag, earrings, watches, and silk scarves. , She read them all carefully.

Her sense of smell and ability to discern these luxury goods is quite high. From Zhou Ping, she can smell money from a distance, no, it is noble.

She wondered in her heart that this must be the rich and famous woman who had traveled.

If there is a chance, she really wants to ask Zhou Ping to shoot a magazine, because Zhou Ping's temperament is so unique...

When someone said about Zhou Ping's valuable things, everyone's eyes became more and more shocked.

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