You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2170:

Then Zhou Ping heard the director's suppressed cry.

Zhou Ping's heart seemed to be stuffed with a mass of stones, heavy depressed, uncomfortable, and breathless.

Zhao Zhen's body was shredded by those criminals in an extremely cruel way. Now...not to mention a bone, I am afraid that even a bit of his DNA will be difficult to find.

There are people in this world who you don’t know are protecting you, and similarly, there are sins you don’t know, which are completely beyond your imagination.

If it weren't for Zhao Zhen to meet Zhou Ping, he would always be one of the missing persons, and would never see people or dead bodies.

No one will ever know what he has given for justice.

After crying for a while, the director said: "Sorry, I made you laugh..."

Zhou Ping said: "No."

The Secretary just cried, really because he couldn't help it.

In front of outsiders, he has always been strong, but how sad he is, but dare not tell other people.

Everyone in the police station was watching him, all waiting for his instructions. As a chief, he could not show this side.

The director said: "We have restored Zhao Zhen's police status and are ready to chase him as a martyr. We can't find his bones, so we can only...set him a burial mound."

Zhou Ping said: "I think Zhao Zhen will be very happy if he knows this. He should be very happy. He can be buried as a police officer in an open and honest manner. He will also be very happy. He finally saw that the criminals were wiped out. His mission was finally completed. Up."

Director: "But...I still can't help him..."

"He won't blame you, by the way, does he... still have family?"

The director said: "There is a younger sister who is still in school and her parents are not in good health. Over the years, because of his mission, he is very dangerous. He has never dared to contact his home or go back to visit for fear that his family will be retaliated."

"I have arranged for someone to contact his parents. To ensure the safety of his parents, I still have to give them a different place to live."

Even if the criminals have been caught in one go, it is inevitable that there will still be a few slips.

They chase Zhao Zhen as a martyr. This kind of thing is fair and honest. Once those who slip through the net know about it, it is hard to guarantee that they will not have revenge.

There is no such precedent before.

Therefore, after the Secretary considered, he planned to change the identity and place of Zhao Zhen's parents and sister.

He did not protect Zhao Zhen well, and could no longer protect his family well.

Zhou Ping said, "There is nothing I can do. Give me a card number, and I will transfer one million to you. You can give it to Zhao Zhen's parents and say... his son left it to them."

The director hurriedly said: "No need, we will arrange the life of the martyrs' families..."

Zhou Ping said: "Your arrangement is your business. You should give them the money, but don't give too much at a time. Give it a month. It's just a living expense. If it's too much, you may not be able to protect it."

When the director saw Zhou Ping say this, he knew that she would not change her mind.

Solemn thanks to Zhou Ping: "Thank you."

After hanging up the phone.

Zhou Ping called Qin Zheng.

"Xiao Zheng, let your eldest brother find Zhao Zhen, and take him to see his graveyard in two days..."

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