You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2171:

At that time, Zhao Zhen's colleagues and comrades will go to see him off.

On his tombstone, the names of martyrs will be written openly.

He is no longer a kind of hiding in the dark and among a group of criminals. He is an honorable policeman and a hero.

He will truly have his own name.

Zhou Ping thought, that was the greatest comfort to Zhao Zhen.

Even if it is of no use to a ghost.

But being able to rectify his name and being buried as a policeman is Zhao Zhen's greatest last wish!

Although, he never said it, but for a policeman who has been undercover for so many years, this is really important.

Qin Zheng was resting between filming. He was a little surprised when he heard Zhou Ping's words: "Ah? Go to his cemetery, where is his cemetery?"

Zhou Ping said: "The information provided by Zhao Zhen in the Martyrs Park has already worked. The police took the drug gang yesterday. The Chief Cai called me and told me that the police are ready to chase him as a martyr and will be in the Martyrs Park. Set up a burial mound for him, and he can have the identity of a police officer in an open and honest manner. You can ask Brother Ghost to take him to have a look. This should be his last wish."

Qin Zheng's face became serious: "Okay, I know, I will tell that little guy."

Not far away, the director shouted: "Qin Zheng is ready to leave."

Qin Zheng said to Zhou Ping: "Mom, I'm going to film first. I saw the little guy at night and told him that he must take Zhao Zhen to the cemetery."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Well, go, be careful when filming, don't hurt yourself..."

Qin Zheng smiled: "Don't worry, Mom, I can be careful now, I don't want to be treated as a monster."

In his current body, injuries healed super fast, if someone saw him, it would be fine.

Zhou Ping smiled: "Well, go ahead..."

Putting down the phone, Qin Se asked, "Mom, is Xiao Zheng really mutated now?"

Qin Se was next to Zhou Ping, and she almost heard what Qin Zheng said on the phone.

Moreover, Gu Jingyuan had already told them about Qin Zheng's situation after returning.

However, Qin Se was still very curious.

If it weren't for the physical inconvenience right now, she really wanted to go to see Qin Zheng now.

Zhou Ping nodded Qin Se's forehead: "Can you speak, what is mutation?"

Qin Se: "Uh...but, that's not a mutation, what is that?"

Zhou Ping told her: "It's just a combination of things and things that have improved his body, making his physique stronger, and stimulating some functions of the body to be magnified many times. Not only has his body repaired faster, his five senses are also sharper than before. A lot more, and a lot more strength..."

Zhou Ping asked carefully: "Isn't this... a mutation?"

Gu Jingyuan smiled and said, "'s almost the same, but the word is not accurate enough..."

Zhou Ping breathed a sigh of relief: "Your brother's catastrophe is finally over, and it's a blessing in disguise."

Qin Se nodded again and again: "Yeah, Xiaozheng is better than anything else. It doesn't matter whether his body becomes stronger or not, as long as he is good, it will do..."

The greatest blessing of a family is that everyone is neat and tidy.

Bai Lu stood at the door of the kitchen and yelled: "Get ready, I'm going to eat..."

Zhou Ping got up and said with a smile: "Walk to eat."


Today's fourth chapter is added...

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