You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2184:

When the police officer behind the chief heard what he said, most of them couldn't help but blush.

Among them, no one knew Zhao Zhen. This was the first time he knew this person, but in this way.

Being a policeman is not easy, but being a special police officer is even more difficult.

Few of them can retreat completely, and many of them died on the way to perform their tasks.

Like Zhao Zhen, the task has not yet been completed, but the person is dead.

To be alive is too difficult for them.

The director looked at the photo of Zhao Zhen when he was young on the tombstone, his eyes were red. This is the child he brought out from the police school.

Today, he can only see him off in this way.

The Secretary raised his hand and wiped the photo carefully. In fact, there was no dust on the photo.

After wiping, the director stood up straight and said, "Salute."

The police officers behind him all brushed at Zhao Zhen's tombstone and saluted them. This was a silent farewell to their comrades.

Zhao Zhen looked at the words on the tombstone, painted with silver hooks-the tomb of the martyr Zhao Zhen.

He... finally has an upright identity.

Although he is dead, even if he is dead, he can be buried in this cemetery after death. He can be buried as a hero. There can be so many comrades in arms to see him off. Some remember him, some cry for him, and some will remember Zhao. With the name Zhen, remembering everything he has done, Zhao Zhen already feels very satisfied.

All his wishes have been fulfilled.

His obsession is gone.

Brother Gui turned his head to look at Zhao Zhen, and was surprised to find that all the obsessions on his body had disappeared, and the light of merit radiated from his body.

Ghosts who can bear this kind of merit are all people who have accumulated great merit before death.

Zhao Zhen is a policeman who performed the most dangerous mission and saved many people directly or indirectly.

Therefore, he has merit in his body.

Brother Ghost asked him: "Hey, you... Your wish is fulfilled..."

There was a smile on Zhao Zhen's face. His appearance at this time returned to his normal appearance. He even wore a neat police uniform. He looked at his tombstone and said, "Well, I'm satisfied. All my wishes are fulfilled, I should go now..."

Brother Gui looked at the police, and then at Zhao Zhen.

He probably couldn't understand such obsessions as Zhao Zhen.

However, he knew that people like Zhao Zhen are very, very worthy of respect.

Zhao Zhen said to Brother Ghost: "Help me bring a message to Master Zhou, thank her, thank you very much."

Brother Ghost nodded: "Oh...I see, you are... you are going to reincarnate..."

Zhao Zhen: "Well, my comrade-in-arms came to see me off, I'm leaving."

He waved his hand at Brother Ghost, then turned and left, as if there was a path that seemed like nothing appeared under his feet.

After all the police officers bid farewell, Zhao Zhen slowly walked into the distance.

Brother Ghost curled his lips and turned to look at Zhao Zhen's graveyard, "It's... so boring!"

After the chief saluted, he took out the Erguotou he brought with him, unscrewed the lid, and slowly fell down in front of the tombstone.

Then, he drew three cigarettes, lit one by one, and placed them neatly on the stone steps of the tombstone.

The director said: "Zhao Zhen, I am going home, so I don't need to float outside anymore."

Brother Gui suddenly felt very irritable. After others died, there were still people remembering that some people paid homage.

But he...

Forget it, Brother Ghost was very irritable, and he was flying far away, never looking at the cemetery again.

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