You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2185:

Brother Gui gave a wry smile: "Hope? Is there any hope I have been looking for for nearly a hundred years. Do you know how long it is? It is so long that it will make people desperate..."

A hundred years of time is simple to say, but if you let you pass by day by day, you will know that this time is so long that it will collapse and make people desperate.

In this city day after day, this is just a bigger prison.

Qin Zheng was accustomed to Big Brother Ghost playing with him, and he was used to his appearance as the biggest in the world. Suddenly seeing him so lonely and full of decadence, for a while, it was a bit difficult to accept, and at the same time, he felt a little sad. , Sorry for him.

It's really not easy for a person to go through a hundred years of vicissitudes in this human world.

However, Qin Zheng felt that he was still accustomed to the **** of Big Brother Ghost.

This little devil has a better look.

Qin Zheng thought for a while and thought: "Don't do this, don't give up first, I think it must be in this city, otherwise you won't be inseparable, probably because fate has not arrived."

Brother Ghost sneered disdainfully, and said, "Fate, what is fate, and how long will it take? A hundred years, two hundred years, or five hundred years?"

He didn't want to live anymore for a hundred years. Sometimes, Big Brother Ghost even thought, it's better to let Zhou Ping give him a blow, and if he doesn't care, he will die.

Qin Zheng comforted him: "Fate is a kind of chance. My mother always said that it's yours, and it's yours sooner or later, just like my sister. I really don't want to tell you about her, her marriage. Ah, it's a twist."

"She met her first husband when she graduated. She got married after graduation. At that time, my mother didn't agree with her life and death. She had to sever the mother-daughter relationship with her, but my sister had to agree to her life and death. After two years of miserable life, she later learned by accident that her husband is a homosexual. Do you know what homosexuality is?"

Brother Ghost said angrily: "Nonsense, of course I know that I have only been dead for a hundred years, not for thousands of years. The generation gap between me and you is not that big."

Qin Zheng nodded quickly: "Ahem, I'm not worried that you don't know, then I continue to say, my sister knows that her ex-husband is a homosexual, the scumbag married her, the purpose is to cover people's eyes, that is, she is a shield Now, that scumbag is cheating on marriage..."

Brother Ghost asked: "What about your sister?"

Qin Zheng said: "My sister, after being stupid for two years, she finally realized the reality and was about to divorce the scumbag, but the scumbag disagreed because he didn't want to share the property with my sister. Later the scumbag killed him. He is his own father, and blamed my sister..."

Brother Gui pucked upon hearing it: "It's really shameless."

Qin Zheng nodded: "Yes, especially shameless, especially scumbag, but fortunately, my sister met my current brother-in-law during the divorce process from that scumbag. My brother-in-law is very kind to my sister and doesn't dislike her for being stupid. She is single-minded, and my brother-in-law is amazing, eh, what you should have seen is the man who is full of extravagance, and ghosts dare not approach, as soon as he approaches, he can be turned into a man of evil spirit..."

Don't look at Qin Zheng in front of Gu Jingyuan, always showing that he doesn't like him very much, and often likes him.

But in fact, Qin Zheng was very convinced of Gu Jingyuan.

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