You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2218:

The table fell into silence for an instant.

Gu Zhixin and Zhen Bao'er glanced at each other, and they were very sure that the girl didn't come to them to ask for WeChat.

Because she is facing Gu Zhige and Song Yizhi.

However, judging from normal circumstances, this girl's goal must be Gu Zhige, not Song Yizhi.

After all, the external hardware conditions are there, a Gu Zhige is still enough to turn a Song Yizhi, this is no longer a problem.

Song Yizhi just talked about popularizing knowledge with Gu Zhixin. At this moment, he opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound.

He turned his head to look at Gu Zhige, the lemon bubble in his heart.

Why do you treat his cute dog so much? What did he do wrong?

Song Yizhi still has self-knowledge in his heart, and girls all like good-looking ones.

The men they make at this table are ranked according to their appearance. He can definitely make the top three, but...

Forget it, Song Yizhi didn't comfort him anymore. He was self-aware. Although he looked handsome, he was still a little worse than Gu Zhige.

Opposite a pair of "butchers" frantically spreading dog food, single dogs and girls around him came to ask for WeChat, but he was bubbling with poor bubbles all over.


He is also a very good man!

Gu Zhige also thought that the girl was asking for a WeChat account with himself, and he said blankly: "Sorry, no."

To this answer, the other three people present felt that this was not surprising.

Song Yizhi thought to himself, if this is to ask for a WeChat account with himself, he would definitely not say anything, and even give it his phone number.

However, Gu Zhige, ha ha, this straight man.

The girl's face turned redder, her lips moved a few times, and it seemed a little difficult to speak.

Everyone did not expect that the girl would say: "That...that, sorry, sir, I am not asking you."

Now it was Gu Zhige's turn to embarrass his face.

Not what he wanted, uh...

Zhen Baoer and Gu Zhixin looked at the girl in shock, didn't they ask Gu Zhige, did they?

No way... I can't believe it.

Song Yizhi was also shocked, and then narrowed his mouth, and said, "Girl, does this handsome guy in front of me have a girlfriend? You haven't seen the two look like glue and hard to separate. You should give up, it's impossible. ."

Gu Zhige turned his head to look like an idiot, looking at Song Yizhi.

He finally understood that the reason for Song Yizhi's singleness was IQ.

The girl's blush was bloody, and she held her bag nervously with her hands, stuttering: "I...I..."

She bit her lip, and said with courage: "Sir, I asked you."

Song Yizhi was dumbfounded: "Who?"

Girl: "You!"

Song Yizhi...

When she heard the girl say that she was asking for WeChat, Song Yizhi's first reaction was not happiness, but: "Are you sure?"

He felt that this girl must have made a mistake.

If you don’t eat the big fish and meat on the table, who would eat a plate of cold cucumber!

That's right, he is the plate of cold cucumber, Gu Zhixin and Gu Zhige are big fish and meat.

The girl nodded shyly: "That's right..."

Song Yizhi tugged at Gu Zhige next to him: "Look at me, then look at him, you are really sure."

The girl nodded vigorously: "Very sure!"

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