You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2219:

The girl's expression is still very serious, she said: "So...can you give me the WeChat ID?"

Song Yizhi probably had been hit too much. For a time, a pie fell from the sky, still meat, and hit him on his head, so that he couldn't believe it.

He was habitually suspicious of authentication, and he asked: "You...there is no problem with your eyes, are there any discomforts in your eyes?"

The girl was a little angry: "My eyes are very good, no problem, you just say whether you will give it or not?"

Song Yizhi: "I..."

Give it or not?

In principle, he should be happy, take out his mobile phone, open his WeChat QR code, and let the other party scan it.

Then, after returning, the two parties started to contact...

Then, if you have a good chat, you can have a better relationship, and then he can get out of the order.

How wonderful it is!

However, Song Yizhi still felt that it was abnormal.

He was about to talk. Gu Zhige, who was next to him, had already picked up Song Yizhi's cell phone, opened his gesture code, opened his WeChat QR code, and handed it to the girl.

A smile appeared on the girl's face, she quickly swept it, and added it.

She said to Gu Zhige: "Thank you."

Gu Zhige: "You're welcome."

The girl looked at Song Yizhi, blushing and shyly said: "Then I'll go there first, turn around... and then contact."

Then, he ran away.

After the girl left, Song Yizhi reacted for a while. He turned his head abruptly and said to them: "Hey, you heard that, she turned out to be asking me for WeChat."

Gu Zhige nodded: "Yeah, yeah, I heard it, you can go back to each department to show off happily."

Song Yizhi didn't act very happy. He said, "But don't you think this is abnormal? Leave Gu Zhige aside, and ran to me, if there is a problem with his eyes, or she... has another purpose. "

The other three people look at me and I look at you, and then sigh at the same time.

Gu Zhixin said: "It's our fault, usually, it beats you so much that it makes you habitually doubt life."

Song Yizhi: "..."

Gu Zhixin added: "Although you have an average appearance, average living standard, average medical skills, and IQ, you can't deny that on the whole, you are a man who can barely pass the test. It's not completely unattractive either."

Gu Zhige made up the knife: "Yes, suddenly there will be a girl with a different aesthetic from ordinary people who will come to see you. This is not too strange."

Song Yizhi...

Oh, grass, with that said, I doubt life even more.


The vignette that happened during the lunch hour passed quickly.

Returning to the hospital after dinner, Gu Zhige and Song Yizhi were so busy with their work that they couldn't separate their energy, and didn't have time to think about anything else.

Gu Zhige finally breathed a sigh of relief as the afternoon approached get off work.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Gu Zhige's office door was knocked.

Gu Zhige was watching a movie of a patient. He has learned to watch bone fragments now. Without looking up, he said, "In."

The door opened and someone came in.

Gu Zhige didn't look up. He thought it was a patient or a colleague. After waiting for a while, no one spoke. He asked, "What's the matter?"

Three steps away, there was a voice: "It's been a long time since I saw you, should I call you Doctor Gu now, or... Xiang Qiuchi?"


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