You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2220:

Xiang Qiuchi?

After hearing this name, Gu Zhige was stunned for about three seconds.

The first thought in his mind at that time was who Xiang Qiuchi was. Three seconds later, he remembered, oh, this is the name he used to use.

Now he has accepted everything under the name Gu Zhige, including the Gu family, the owner of the Gu family, and his identity as a doctor.

He feels that he is now Doctor Gu of Wellcome Hospital, the Gu family, Gu Jingyuan's cousin.

He goes out early and returns late every day, just like all the office workers in this city.

Dealing with all kinds of patients every day, every day as much as possible to relieve the suffering of patients.

He has become accustomed to his current situation and his current life.

When he heard the name Xiang Qiuchi again, Gu Zhige felt very strange and far away.

Unfamiliar, as if it were someone else’s name, and had nothing to do with me.

It's so far away, as if, the last time I heard this name, it was a lifetime event.

Gu Zhige squeezed the patient's bone fragment in his hand and slowly raised his head.

Standing in front of him was a young man wearing a white pie, biting a lollipop in his mouth, with a very kind smile on his Junxiu face, short black hair, blue ripped jeans, so cold On that day, I didn’t wear long trousers, a pair of aj shoes, a backpack, and headphones on my neck.

It seems youthful, like a freshman who has just entered university not long.

His age should not be much better than Qin Zheng.

However, Gu Zhige knows that this young man who looks young and is not much older than Qin Zheng, and seems to have no offensive power, is actually a **** man who has harvested countless heads and can kill people. A light breeze, an outstanding killer with a smile on his face!

The young man came over and sat in front of Gu Zhige.

Gu Zhige didn't seem to know him, and asked indifferently: "What's your situation, where is your body uncomfortable?"

He asked very formulaically, just treating this young man as an ordinary patient.

The young man bit his lollipop and tilted his head to look at Gu Zhige.

The young man smiled and said, "I haven't seen it for a long time. It's... I can't believe it. You seem to be like that."

Gu Zhige still didn't change his face, "If you are not sick, go out first, during work hours, and refuse to chat."

The young man didn’t seem to hear what he said, and said, “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have never imagined that the ace killer who was famous all over the world, turned into a white-clothed angel who rescued the wounded. It's really a difference in thought."

Gu Zhige calmly looked at the boy in front of him: "This gentleman, if you don't go out, I will call the security guard."

The young man curled his lips: "Brother Qiuchi, why are you so unreasonable? I came to see you from a long distance. You are like this, it hurts my heart!"

Gu Zhige's voice was cold and cold: "You called the wrong person, I'm Gu Zhige, I don't know you."

"Brother Qiuchi, you are so boring, don't forget, the first person I killed in my life, but you killed me with me. I always remember our precious friendship! "

As the boy said, there was still some emotion on his face, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

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