You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2239:

When I was a killer, I saw death, blood, and fighting like wild beasts every day. At that time, there was no hope.

It will only make people fall into deeper despair time and time again, just like the person who has fallen into the swamp, no matter how you struggle, you can only sink deeper and deeper.

All that is waiting is boundless darkness and death.

But it is different now. Although people die every day in the hospital, where ordinary people gather in various lives, where you can see the most selfish people, you can also see the greatest love.

However, there are also new diseases born here every day, and the cry of the baby's ground can awaken the longing for life in many people's hearts.

Every patient who is discharged from the hospital or is recovering gradually, the smile on his face will make people happy.

Gu Zhige was really unaccustomed when he first started employment.

However, as the injured patients left their departments, listening to those people's words of thanks, Gu Zhige felt more and more that this profession was worthy of him.

Gu Zhige said: "When I decided to become a doctor, I thought about it. I will use my limited time to help more injured patients. I will treat this as a kind of atonement for the time being. Half of my life, although I killed a lot of people, but... But most of them are really damnable, only a small part, not damnable, but I took the task, I did it, I killed them, so , I am atonement for these people..."

Chongjiu sneered: "It's so beautiful, I almost believed it."

Gu Zhige shrugged: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

He looked around, "There is no one here, do you think you are picking another place, or just here."

After all, he frowned. He felt that Gu Zhige had just put on the appearance of a prophet preaching and solving puzzles, and how could he change the subject in an instant.

Shouldn't he continue the topic just now and continue to plan to know it with affection?

Suddenly, he pulled it apart and said he wanted to do it, which made Chongjiu a little uncomfortable.

He glanced at the intersection ahead, and said: "Hehe, don't think I don't know what you plan to do. You have cameras everywhere. Are you stupid? If I kill you here, I It may be found by the police here before leaving the country."

Gu Zhige smiled and nodded earnestly: "Yes, that's right, you're right, it's really not possible here, then, continue walking, change a place, you come to find."

Chongjiu snorted, turned and left.

Gu Zhige walked slowly behind him.

Behind him, two people sent by Gu Jingyuan followed quietly.

The people Gu Jingyuan sent were not ordinary bodyguards, they were quite skilled.

Chongjiu strode ahead. He turned from the main road to the small road. After walking for about half an hour, he finally turned into a dark dead end without street lights.

In the dimness, the figures of both of them are not very clear.

But in comparison, the clothes on Chongjiu were slightly more eye-catching than those of Gu Zhige.

Gu Zhige took his hand out of his pocket and moved his wrist.

He knew that this one was definitely unavoidable.

No fight!

Chongjiu said: "Xiang Qiuchi, today, it is impossible for you to get out of here."


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