You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2240:

Gu Zhige smiled, "Whether you can walk out, you have to wait until you are finished, you can't say so early."

Chongjiu sneered, "You really don't panic at all."

From Chongjiu's point of view, like Gu Zhige now, as an ordinary person, working from nine to five every day, he hasn't been trained properly for a long time.

As killers, they must ensure that they do not miss, they must never stop to train, and they must always maintain their combat effectiveness at their peak.

Moreover, you must always be vigilant, guarded, murderous in your heart, and desire for blood.

However, Gu Zhige now has nothing that a killer should possess.

Therefore, Chongjiu felt that even if Gu Zhige was once so good, he should not be able to beat himself now.

Of course, he would not underestimate Gu Zhige. He didn't know how good this man was at his peak.

The skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and his life-saving tactics must still be there.

However, Chongjiu is not afraid.

He believes in himself and can succeed.

The thin and sharp small dagger that Chongjiu had taken out in the car was already in his hand. He said, "Don't talk nonsense, come on."

Chongjiu's bitter murderous aura was still fully released, the dark and tide-like dead end, and the temperature became increasingly low.

The battle between the two is about to start.

But next second...

Gu Zhige suddenly said: "No, wait, let me take a moment..."

Gu Zhige covered his nose with his hand, and said disgustedly: "This place you picked is really not very good, it smells too bad."

There is an unpleasant smell here, it is very pungent, there seems to be sewage from the sewer, and household garbage from someone's house. It smells anyway!

The corner of Chongjiu's mouth twitched, he was ready, and Gu Zhige made him feel like a balloon that was about to explode. Then he sneered and ran out of breath. The murderous aura he had accumulated suddenly vented a lot.

Chongjiu said unhappily, "Xiang Qiuchi, can you stop doing so much trouble, I am killing you now, and you are still in the mood to care if this place smells bad?"

Gu Zhige nodded solemnly: "Yeah, you are going to kill me. If I really can't beat you and fall down, I will lie down here. When my body is found during the day, I will be It's smelly, and, I seem to have stepped on something by accident. It's probably shit, vomit... I can't say it, it smells too bad, I want to vomit..."

Chongjiu frowned fiercely: "Damn, can you vomit for a while, can you wait for me to finish."

Gu Zhige said: "I can't help it, I want to vomit, this is beyond my control, vomit..."

Just like this twice, every time when the fight was about to start, Gu Zhige would find other excuses to interrupt.

In this way, Chongjiu's murderous aura was almost scattered.

He is not a fool. When he is in their business and can get to the trump card position, he is not a quick response and superior IQ.

Chongjiu said coldly: "Xiang Qiuchi, do you think you can't beat me, so you keep preventing me from doing it to you, wanting to polish my murderous spirit and spirit, making me upset and irritable, unable to concentrate, so wait for real Start your hands, you won’t fall behind so much?"

In ancient times, people knew that fighting a war is about one-shot, and then it fades away, and then it is exhausted...


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