You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2256:

The woman's arm was very thin, a little wounded, and **** scabs had just formed, as well as wisps of blood, slowly flowing out, looking shocking.

Gu Zhige frowned: "You are..."

The woman looked very pitiful, and she cried: "Such injuries, my whole body is...I really can't hold it anymore..."

Gu Zhige felt that this woman was indeed pitiful, and she should have suffered domestic violence.

But... even if it was domestic violence, he could only tie him to heal her injuries. He couldn't help her any more. For this kind of thing, you should go to the police and come to his doctor.

He glanced at the time, and it was almost time to get off work. He didn't know if there were other sick numbers outside.

He tried to soften his voice and said, "Madam, I think you...maybe you should call the police first. My place is just a hospital after all. I will help you deal with the wound at best, and the rest... I probably can't help you. "


He had helped Mu Chaochao before, but he felt that the situation was still different.

The woman shook her head again and again, her face panicked, her eyes were full of fear: "No, no, I dare not... If I call the police, he will only kill me..."

Gu Zhige sighed, "Then tell me, what's the use?"

The woman's crying red and swollen eyes slowly looked at Gu Zhige expectantly: "Doctor Gu, can you help me?"

He looked at Gu Zhige's eyes, as if looking at his only redemption.

Gu Zhige was in a complicated mood. He said, "But how can I help you? I'm just a doctor. In your should be domestic violence. No one except the police can help you!"

The woman cried: "Doctor Gu, please, please help me. If you don't help me, I will really be beaten to death. I really tried my best to escape today..."

From these words of this woman, Gu Zhige heard that this woman came to him specially.

This made Gu Zhige feel a little weird. He asked, "Why did you ask me to help you?"

The woman cried and said, "I... I heard a relative of mine say... You helped a girl before. She said, you are a good person with a sense of justice. Can you... also help me?"

"Since I got married, I haven't had a good day. I do all the work at home, and I have to be beaten every day and locked up at home. I can't go anywhere... I really... With..."

The woman was crying miserably. Judging from her thin appearance and miserable expression, it seemed that what he said was really true.

But Gu Zhige still felt strange in his heart.

He glanced at the door of the room, and his mood was very wrong.

Gu Zhige asked: "Your relative... is from the hospital? Which department?"

The woman shook her head: "My relative is not, but his neighbor is in the hospital and seems to be doing cleaning. He said that his neighbor told him that the whole hospital knows that you are a good person... and said... There was a girl with Just like me, you helped her get out of the clutches, Doctor Gu, I beg you, help me!"

Gu Zhige frowned: "I think it is necessary to make it clear that you are still different from that girl. The girl is a minor, but... you are already an adult, and, in your case, it is more appropriate to call the police. , If you are scared, I can help you call the police..."

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