You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2257:

In Gu Zhige's heart, Mu Chaochao's situation is really different from this woman.

Chao Chao is still a minor child, and her deep situation is very critical. If she does not help her, she will only have a dead end.

But this woman always felt weird in Gu Zhige's heart.

I always feel like something is wrong.

Although it seems that this woman is very pitiful at the moment, under normal circumstances, if a person is in danger, he does not call the police, but comes to a doctor whom he has never seen before. Is this weird?

If it were him, he wouldn't anyway.

A stranger who has never met, even if he listens to others to say that he is a good person, is to listen to others to say, but has not been verified!

How could he rush his life into the hands of a stranger?

This is not a normal person, should there be logic?

This is what Gu Zhige has been unable to figure out since seeing this woman.

He didn't believe that his reputation was already so big that he could not do it in the same way as the savior.

The woman cried bitterly: "Doctor Gu, I have no choice but to call the police...The man will find me. I have done this before, but it didn't work..."

Gu Zhige asked indifferently: "Then how do you want me to help you?"

The woman raised her head and wiped her face with tears: "Doctor Gu, I know my request is presumptuous, but... I hope you can hide me and don’t let my husband find me. After this time, I Just leave this city, I really won't delay you for too long, your great kindness, I can't remember..."

Gu Zhige inadvertently swept the man's hand, instantly understanding.

When I look at the woman again, I just think it's a bit ridiculous. It's really such a cheating.

Gu Zhige was a little hesitant at first, but at this time he was gone.

He said: "Sorry, I can't do it. You didn't let me call the police and asked me to hide you. What am I doing? Didn't I become a trafficker, even if I helped the girl at the beginning, I also came here according to the formal way...You are like this, so I can’t do it. I think it’s not compliant. If your husband really knows about it and makes trouble, then what am I? I’m not a person inside and outside.”

The woman usually kneeled on the ground, grabbed Gu Zhige's hem, crying miserably: "Doctor Gu, please, if you don't save me, I will die. I don't want to die... Take a look at my injuries, take a look, please take a look... I really have no choice... You can save others, why can't you save me?"

With that, the woman was about to lift her own clothes, and Gu Zhige almost immediately stood up and turned around, not looking at the woman.

He frowned and said, "This lady, don’t be like this. This is a hospital. I’m just an ordinary doctor. I said, you really should go to the police in this situation, not come to me. I don’t have that much capacity. ...If you are afraid, I can help you, and I can also help you find someone from the Women's Association to help you..."

Because of this body, he didn't see it, the woman behind, her miserable appearance had changed, her eyes became fierce, she didn't know when she took out a dagger, she stood up silently, facing Gu Zhige Puncture **** the back of the heart.


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