You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2258:

However, Gu Zhige seemed to have eyes behind his back. The moment that the knife in the woman's hand was about to hurt him, Gu Zhige's figure quickly dodged aside.

The woman froze, she was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't believe it, but she didn't expect Gu Zhige to be so fast.

You must know that he is no longer the famous Xiang Qiuchi, his murderous aura as a killer has been wiped out clean.

Why can such a Gu Zhige be so fast?

After the woman rushed to the air, she was stunned for a second, before she could think about it, and attacked Gu Zhige again.

However, she has missed the best moment of offense.

Compared with Gu Zhige, her skill is still two nines.

Gu Zhige hardly took much effort to subdue the woman.

The woman was stepped on the ground by Gu Zhige, her arm had been removed by Gu Zhige, and she was sweating in pain.

Gu Zhige snorted and said with disdain: "Now in your organization, can you only send a low-level killer like you?"

The woman had always wondered if Chongjiu lost to Gu Zhige on purpose.

Now after the fight, the woman has to admit that even if she is no longer a killer, Gu Zhige is still Gu Zhige, still very powerful.

She used to feel that her ability, although not as good as a trump card killer like Chong Jiu, was still top-notch.

She is very good at disguising and her acting skills are also very good. When she was on mission before, she had never been seen as a flaw.

This is the first time that it has failed so thoroughly. ,

She still believes in her acting skills very much, everything, only to blame, she underestimated Gu Zhige's ability, did not expect his ability to respond to it is still so strong.

The woman trembled in pain: "I underestimated you. I didn't expect... your skill is still so good..."

Xiang Qiuchi shook his head: "You still don't realize the specific reason for your failure? Your acting skills are too clumsy. It doesn't matter whether my skills are good or not."

This is undoubtedly a big blow to the female killer.

Because she was thinking just now that she has no flaws in her acting skills, because Gu Zhige's defensive and reactive abilities are too strong.

The female assassin did not believe: "Impossible, no one can see through my disguise, I clearly did not show any murderous aura..."

Although her own conditions are slightly weaker, she always felt that she was killing people because of the flow of technology, not by brute force.

Gu Zhige rolled his eyes disdainfully: "Your acting skills are indeed good, but we have never met. As a woman in a desperate marriage who has been abused all day long, after escaping from the house, you are not going to Call the police, but come to find someone you’ve never met. It’s too trifling. Also... You said you have to do a lot of work every day, but your hands... I tried to make it as rough as possible, but a pair of hands without calluses is really abnormal..."

Female killer...

She didn't expect that the performance that she thought was seamless, in Gu Zhige's opinion, was so full of loopholes.

Gu Zhige shook his head and said with regret: "Okay, don't think about it, your acting skills are really not good, and I don't know where you are confident. In your organization, if all are like you Killer, it really... disappoints me so much, there is no challenge at all."

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