You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2262:

For this meal, everyone discussed that Song Yizhi was a mysterious girlfriend, and then couldn't help feeling that even Dr. Song has a girlfriend, and they will continue to be single.

Yes, they are all bachelors...

Therefore, we can join together for dinner.

After dinner, Gu Zhige saw them goodbye, and then went to the nearby police station by himself.

Gu Zhige hasn't seen the two bodyguards protecting him today, but he knows that the two of them must be nearby to protect him!


It only took about an hour to stay inside, and then Gu Zhige came out.

When he went to pick up the car, he was almost hit by a man riding an electric car.

However, it was almost...

Because the car hadn't approached him, he kicked it over.

The person in the car fell to the ground and slid for several meters before stopping.

Gu Zhige walked over, and the man lay on the ground in pain, howling.

Gu Zhige took a look and felt that he should have two broken ribs.

He asked: "Why hit me?"

The other party screamed, and said: "Who...who the **** hit you... I drove well, and you suddenly kicked over. You don't want to lose my money. You don't want to leave..."

After making a fuss for a while, Gu Zhige was sure that this was not a killer, this was someone who passed by and saw him with a famous watch on his wrist, and wanted to bump into and rob him.

So Gu Zhige went to the police station again...


Chongjiu was awakened by a knock on the door in the middle of the night.

When the earth rang almost, Chongjiu woke up. His first reaction was to immediately grab the dagger placed on the bedside, turn over and jump down, and take a look at the time, four o'clock in the morning.

For a killer, he has to keep his eyes open even when he is sleeping.

Chongjiu didn't wear shoes, and came to the door quietly with bare feet.

He glanced at the people outside through the cat's eyes, he knew the person who came, and Chongjiu looked at each other for a while through the door.

After he knocked three times, he stopped moving.

It seems to know that Chongjiu is already awake.

Chongjiu waited for about five minutes before opening the door.

The two looked at each other.

Chong Jiu made sure that the other party was not murderous, and then let him in.

After closing the door, the other party said directly: "Lola went to kill Xiang Qiuchi in the afternoon, but she failed and was caught."

Laura is the woman Chong Jiu nearly killed last night.

Chongjiu was a little surprised, because he didn't really expect that woman would have the courage to assassinate Gu Zhige.

He disdainfully said: "Is it weird that she is so stupid and caught?"

The other party said, "But you weren't caught in the first place, did you?"

Chongjiu said: "Can she compare to me?"

"But she is your partner, she was arrested, what are you going to do?"

Chongjiu smiled: "What should I do? Of course I watched her die. Isn't it possible that you should run over to inform me and let me prepare to rescue Lola."

The other party shook his head: "Of course not. The mission failed because of her own inability. No matter what the end is, she will have to bear it."

Their organization has always just dispatched tasks, regardless of the killer's life or death.

Chongjiu Road: "Then what are you doing?"

The other party stretched out his hand: "Hello Chongjiu, I am your new partner."


I have to say it again, deduction for reading upgrades and maintenance, all comment areas have been closed these days, no comments are allowed, it has nothing to do with me... everyone bear it, it will be fine in a few days...

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